Kai (EXO)

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Day 10... 15 more days

"Jagi..." Kai rests his head on his propped up hand behind your head. He turns to you as you read, hoping to get your attention.


"Christmas is around the corner and you never told me what you wanted." He nudges the side of  your head with his nose, seeing how engrossed you were in the book.

"Hehe... I already have all I ever want. There's nothing else I'd ask for." She smiles and turns her head to me, gently pecking my lips before getting up to put the book away on the bookshelf. Kai follows her and just as she turns around, he traps her with his arms and the bookshelf behind her.

"Tell me something you want~ I won't let you go if you don't!" He pouts, looking slightly down at her.

She clicks her tongue but lets out a smile, "Kai, you are such a child." She jokes before holding his face in her hands and kissing him. After a few seconds, Kai lets go of the bookshelf and wraps his arms around her waist. She giggles against his lips as he began to knead her sides.

She quickly pulls away and makes a dash to the bathroom, "if you want to give me something that much, just surprise me!" She closes the door behind her and locks it so that Kai doesn't follow her.

Kai stood there, dazed. He puts a hand on his hips and rubs his neck with the other. What would she want?


A few days pass and Kai was still at the thinking stage. He was almost frustrated to the point where he needed to bother her again but he decided not to.

He walks around a shopping centre while she was at work. The Square was bustling with people... mostly couples.

Kai looks through windows of clothing stores, accessory shops, even a chocolate store. But nothing stood out to him.

"Wait.." Kai takes notice of a certain jewelry and retraces his steps to the window of a jewelers. He smiles to himself and goes into the store.

A few minutes later, Kai felt his phone vibrate.

"Kai! Where are you? I called you 5 times already!" She yells over the phone.

"Jagi! I'm sorry, I didn't know I put my phone on vibrate. I was... um.." Kai didn't want to tell her about the present or his shopping. He wanted it to be a surprise now that he knew what to give her.

"What? You were what?"

"I was uh, out with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. I met them on the street by chance when I was.. getting some groceries." Kai mentally facepalmed at his horrible lying skills.

"Oh really? So if I call-"

"Sir, is this what you wanted?" The woman staff Kai was speaking to earlier about his gift came back with a box, showing him the contents.

"Who was that?" Her tone over the phone sounded like her lip was quivering.

"Um, the uh the waiter. I'm at a restaurant right now and the reception is kind of bad. I'm gonna hang up now, I'll see you at home Jagi!" Kai quickly hung up the phone just in case someone else decides to speak in the shop.

He turns to the woman staff and apologized, "sorry about that. I'm trying to keep this a secret from my girlfriend."

She smiled and waved it off, "oh, it's alright! It's not the first time someone did this. But uh, I think you should explain to your girlfriend soon. She might have gotten the wrong idea." The woman took his card and swiped it through the machine.

"Wrong idea?" Kai asked, clueless.

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a 'you-know-what-im-talking-about' look.

A few seconds of thinking, Kai exclaims, "Oh! Oh no.. What if she does..? Thank you!" He quickly takes the purchased gift and his card, "thank you very much!" He runs out of the store, in hopes of explaining what happened without any complications.

Kai runs all the way to her candy shop, panting heavily as he stops just around the corner, seeing her walk out of the store.

"Ja-" Kai stopped when he sees a man come out of the shop as well and stands next to her.

What seemed like just conversation, the man suddenly placed his hand on her back and rubbed it. She holds her face in her hands and leans her head on his chest while he rubbed her back and hugged her close.

Kai couldn't believe it. Was she cheating on him? Because she might've thought that he was with a woman? But they seemed already so close so... what if she was cheating on him the whole time..?

Angry and sad, Kai turned and walked away, clutching the small box in his hands.


"Kai! Where have you been?! It's past midnight!" She yells as Kai slams the door behind him.

"And why do you care?" He mumbles but audible.

"What do you mean? Of course I care!" She attempts to brush off the snow on his shoulders and head but Kai slapped her hand away, surprising her.

"Then tell me why you were with another guy!" He yells.

"K-Kai, what are you talking about..?" She asks gently.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! That guy at the candy shop... why was he touching you? Why did you let him?!"

"K-Kai I.."

Kai grabs her shoulders and looked at her dead in the eye with an angry expression. But then his face turned to that of a sad and tearful one. He loosens his grip on her shoulders but doesn't let go. Instead, he slides down onto his knees with his head on her belly.

"Please... please don't leave me Jagi... I love you, I would never cheat on you I promise... just don't leave me for someone else." Kai sobbed out.

Taken aback, she looked down at his head before gently smoothing his hair with her hands, making him look up at her.

"Silly... why would I ever leave you?"

"Then who was.."

"My co worker." She chuckles softly, " he overheard me on the phone with you and asked what was wrong when I raced out of the store. He comforted me and said that you wouldn't do such a thing."

"So he's not..?"

She laughs and pulls him up to his feet, "No you silly bear. He's just my friend. And you don't have to worry because he has a boyfriend."

"A bo-... ohh." Kai laughs and awkwardly covers his face to hide his embarrassment.

"Now, do you want to tell me why I heard a woman's voice over the phone?" She raises an eyebrow while questioning him like a mother.

"Well, I was gonna wait another 14 days until I show you but there's no other way to explain what happened today." He fumbles through his coat pocket and grasps the tiny box.

Kai kneels on one knee and takes out the box.


"Jagi. We've been together for many years now and I feel like I can't live without you. I didn't know what to get you for Christmas but this reminded me why I love you so much. You said you had everything you wanted but..." Kai takes opens the box, making her gasp, "I don't. Will you marry me?"

Tears fell from her eyes, "yes Kai yes!"

Kai slides the ring on her finger and she tackles him with a hug, making both of them fall onto the floor laughing.

"I love you so much Kai."

"Nado saranghae. Merry Christmas love."


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