Tails x reader: Encouragement

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You are a (A/T)

Encourage an artist, and the world will be a better place. Discourage an artist, and you get absolutely nothing.

Its not an odd concept for children to play in a forest. And sadly it isn't an odd concept for children to bully one another. In said forest there were a group of children playing catch with an object which wasn't a ball, all the while laughing.

"Come on guys give it back!"

"No way two tails!"

The children exploded into more laughter as they continued to throw the box over the kitsunes head.

"Be careful I spent a lot of time building that!"

"What this tacky thing?" A wolf teased holding it out of reach.

"Yes! Now give it back!" Tails jumped up trying to make a grab for his box.

"Alright I'll give it back to you. But first you've got to catch it!"


The wolf then threw it and as Tails dashed after it a cat tripped him up. Leading to even more laughter.

"Come on guys let's go this losers getting boring." One kid grumbled.

"Yeah let's go."

"See you later two tails!"

As they left Tails picked himself up sniffling trying his best not to try so he wouldn't give those bullies the satisfaction. All the other kids always treated him this way. He was picked on and bullied because of his twin tails. And they also took whatever chance they could to take and destroy his inventions he so lovingly worked on.

Wobbling to his feet he went over to the broken box, the lid now dangling on one hinge. And as a result the melody of the box was playing. This time he had made a music box and thankfully all he had to do was fix the lid.

"What a pretty tune."

Jumping Tails nearly dropped his box, turning around to see a tall, adult (A/T).

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you jump."

Tails just looked at the floor not knowing what to say, not wanting to be teased by an adult as well as be bullied.

"Its alright. You can laugh if you want."

"Now why would I want to laugh at you?" She asked sweetly.

"Becuase I have two tails and like to make weird things."

"Well what's so weird about a music box?"

Tails opened his mouth to answer but found he didn't have one.

"Exactly. There's nothing wrong with a music box or wanting to invent and make new things and there's absolutely nothing wrong with you."


"Really, really."



"Tails wake up!"

Eyes snapping open Tails bolted up realising he was on his desk chair ending up toppling to the floor!


"Sorry buddy!" Sonic apologised helping him up "I didn't realise you were that fast asleep."

"What time is it?" he asked yawning.

"About seven, though it was about time we got up."

Great that means I fell asleep at my desk again. It was a habit he really needed to get out of. But as Sonic was going on about what to have for breakfast Tails thought back to his dream. Its been a while since I've had that dream. It was whenever he felt reminiscent he would dream remembering that kind adult who encouraged him. But whenever he had that dream he could never clearly see her face.

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