Silver x reader: The Chao Garden

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You are a (A/T)

Cute little companions are always fun to have around.

On Mobius there are locations known as Chao Gardens, places that have high amounts of Chaos energy and plenty of fruits and clean water. The perfect environment for a Chao to live in, and some people are lucky to stumble across these gardens.

Silver was one of them. He enjoyed the clean area and the company of the odd little creatures for a while, often popping into the secret area around once a fortnight. But today was a little different.

"No little guy! You need to go back to the garden!" the blanc hedgehog refused.

"Chao!" the white and pink Chao whined.

After his latest visit Silver found himself accompanied by a Choo Chao who refused to leave his side, even after Silver used his powers several times to put him gently back in the garden. So the Chao decided on a knew strategy.

Flying past Silver's outstretched hand pointing him back to his home he sat on top of his head, grabbing onto his front quills and refusing to let go.

"Ugh... Who knew Chao's could be so stubborn?" Silver huffed, indicating he'd given in.

"Chao!" The little thing sang happily.

Knowing that this Chao would never give up Silver carried on home, not entirely shore what to think of his new little companion. But he knew for sure that one person would love the tiny Chao. So he was headed to his friends house now, whom of which was the best person with any type of Chao, next to Cream that is.

Making it to the brightly painted yellow door he gave it a few quick taps.

*Knock* *Knock*

A second later a cheery (F/C) (A/T) opened the door with a happy grin. But her already jumpy attitude turned into the definition of excitement as her muzzle turned a tinge of red at the sight of the ivory Hedgie she had a crush on.

"Silver! What are you doing here!? Is there a problem?" she asked her voice failing her slightly in hiding her bounciness.

"Yeah, this." he replied pointing to the small creature messing with his quills.

"Awww... he's really cute." she commented.

The Chao gave a small wave at her from his position cutely.

"I went to the Chao garden and this little guy wouldn't stop following me." Silver explained.

"Well come on in, I dare say I've got some sweet treats to get that little guy out your quills." (Y/N) said, giggling slightly at the sight.

Silver rarely got bothered by things like this so the way he was about this Chao was rather amusing to her.

After going into the kitchen (Y/N) easily found a couple of sugary biscuits, and upon seeing them the Chao gave a joyful cry before flying right into her arms and setting right away to nibbling away at the sugary snacks. So Silver took the chance to give his quills a quick scratch and (Y/N) decided to get a better look at the Chao.

"Wow he's a Choo Chao! There very common but there known for increasing a persons luck in making personal attacks more powerful! In this case Silver it would be your telekinesis!" she explained fully showing her passion for the creatures.

"Huh? They are?" he asked walking closer to the pair.

Her detailed explanation and the Chao's new found abilities certainly surprised him. He just thought they were cute little things who were only good as companions.

"By the way Silver, why did you come to me about this little guy. Cream's house is closer to the Chao garden than mine." (Y/N) suddenly questioned.

It was Silver's turn to have a light blush on his muzzle.

"Uh... w-well I tried walking for a while to get rid of him and by the time I gave up I was closer to your house!" Silver desperately stuttered.

When in actual fact, he wasn't the only one who had a crush. And so had been kind of thankful to this Chao for giving him an excuse to see the girl of his dreams.

"Okay, and why aren't you happy that he wants to be your Chao? After all a cute little companion is always fun to have around." she commented.

"Well I'm always being asked by Sonic and the others to help them out with missions and battles so I don't think I'd have the time to look after him." Silver explained.

Even though he would like a pet of his own.

"I don't think you'd need to worry too much, Chao's can look after themselves pretty well and you could always bring him here. I'd be happy to look after him!" (Y/N) offered.

"W-well I suppose I could keep him...." Silver agreed a little too fast.

And so that night Silver left (Y/N)'s house with his little buddy, glad that he now not only had a little buddy, but an excuse to see (Y/N).


Both Silver and (Y/N) had lost count of how many times he'd asked her to watch Choo whenever he had a mission, and both of them constantly kept the delight they felt at their frequent visits inside.

Once again Silver knocked on the yellow door and the same girl answered it, this time Silver had had to help Sonic get back a Chaos Emerald which wasn't too hard. And sure enough (Y/N) had insisted that Silver stay for a few minutes and of course he gave in with little effort.

Talking over a cup of tea the evening was disturbed by a shrill...


Jolting at the thunder crack (Y/N) glanced at the window to see it raining cats and dogs.

"Whoa, it's really tipping it down." she mumbled.

But she felt the sofa shaking slightly. Facing Silver only to see he didn't look quiet his usual self, shivering mildly.

"Hey Silver... are you okay?" she asked timidly.

"Uh... I-I guess..."

But (Y/N) quickly caught on.

"You don't like thunder or lightening do you?" she asked sweetly.

"What!? W-why would you say that!?" he questioned trying to keep his pride.

Which was smashed instantly at the crash of another stroke of lightening. And in fright reflex he gripped (Y/N) in an iron maiden hug. To which the pair blushed enormously. But all doubt in Silver's mind vanished when she wrapped her arms around him returning the favour.

"Why don't you stay here tonight?" She offered.

He hesitated a moment, knowing he'd hate himself if he refused.


The rest of that night was spent by (Y/N) comforting Silver through the means of pillow forts, movies and cuddles. Till they eventually fell asleep next to me act other wrapped up in each other's arms on the sofa.

But whilst they slept little Choo couldn't help but grin to himself. From the start the Chao had set about with the employment of 'matchmaker'.

You see when Silver visited the Chao gardens he'd ramble on about random things. But the name '(Y/N)' was constantly mentioned.

"She's so beautiful...."

"I saw (Y/N) again to day...."

"I wish I could tell her how I feel..."

Wanting to meet '(Y/N)' Choo chose to go home with Silver claiming him as his master. Over time through his many visits to (Y/N) he judged her as good enough for his master and tried to help them get together through various hints, dragging the two each other, making the one trip into the others arms among other things that would hopefully lead to some form of romance.

Glad that his work was done he snuggled in between the sleeping pair, just as the rain outside was dying down.

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