Knuckles x reader: Good Girls

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You are a (A/T)

Good girls, the Mary Sue's, you always have them.

As a certain echidna walked down the street of town he grumbled angered words to himself, absentmindedly wiping the blood leaking from his nose. But as he ignored the looks he was getting from other mobians as best as he could, he was rethinking taking his shortcut through town back to Angel Island. 


Turning to face the voice Knuckles was met with a (F/C) (A/T) whom he knew very well. The (A/T) herself would have surely greeted Knuckles with a usual kind smile, but instead her face was overtaken by a concerned expression.

"Knuckles what happened!? Why are you bleeding!?" she asked frantically.

And yet whenever she spoke her voice was gentle, and never higher than a loud whisper.

"It's just a training injury, me and Sonic were trying to improve Tails' combat skills. I tried to teach him how to throw a powerful punch but he got a little excited and ended up punching me rather than the dummy." Knuckles explained in a dull voice.

"Well you must let me help you stop your nose from bleeding, it will only distract you as you fly back to Angel Island." she stated.

Not seeing any point in arguing he agreed, secretly not knowing how to stop the bleeding himself. (Y/N) suggested sitting on one of the benches in the near by nature park so she could help him properly, rather there and then in the middle of the street.

Although as they walked the short distance the two contrasted each other a fair bit. There you had Knuckles, a rather 'buff' or 'rough and tough' character with his bleeding nose and slightly annoyed expression at his injury.

And then there was (Y/N).  

She wore a pristine white frilly shirt, matching nicely with her pleated (F/C) skirt. Dinky heels clicking as they walked down the path with her traditional satchel hanging on her shoulder. But it wasn't just their appearances that contrasted, but also their personalities.

It was known by all that Knuckles was strong headed and stubborn, constantly devoted to protecting the Master Emerald. He 'lived off the land' and could handle practically anything thrown his way. Even punches thrown by young foxes.

But (Y/N) would be described as 'delicate'. She never stood out of line, always doing the right thing. Constantly borrowing and reading factual books from the library, she knew all medical procedures, could speak French, and always avoided violence and conflict.

She was the very definition of a 'good girl'.

"Right lean your head forward slightly, and using your thumb and index finger pinch the soft part of your nose shut." (Y/N) instructed quietly once they were sat at a bench.    

"I'll try ..." he muttered, knowing it would be hard with boxing gloves.

He tried, but obviously failed.

"Here I'll do it for you." she said.

She then timidly did the instruction she had given, silently both of them thanking medical advice for asking him to lean his head forward. As if either of them had caught sight of each other's cheeks, they they would have seen perfect impression of Knuckle's fur.

"You'll have to stay like this for about ten minutes and if the bleeding doesn't stop then you'll have to come back to my house, as you'll need to do the same thing but with an ice pack." she explained.

Glad he couldn't see or hear how embarrassed she was at the situation. 
"Hmm." he replied, knowing if he talked he'd sound like a clown.

But at least that was at least one thing they had in common, they both did anything they could to help out others.

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