Yandere Sonic x reader: Wasted Efforts

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You are a (A/T)

Sometimes trying too hard can be bad for you.

Come on you have to admit it was cool."

"No Sonic, it wasn't 'cool'."

"Yes it was."

"Sonic, for the last time nearly falling into lava as a result of trying to show off is not cool!"

Huffing Sonic slumped further down on the battered sofa. (Y/N) more occupied by what was on her tablet screen rather than the sulking Sonic.

"I still thought it was cool." he mumbled.

"It wasn't cool!"

This had been going on for a while. During missions or fights with Eggman Sonic had been taking extra risks, jumping across distances which were too big, becoming a target to a robot as a distraction, going super sonic fast when it wasn't called for.

And usually it would end up with him getting an extra injury or whatever task they were trying to complete nearly becoming a failure. Even though (Y/N) had only been a member of the team a year, she's never seen Sonic act as idiotic like this.

"Sonic I'm serious you've got to stop being so reckless, you're going to get yourself hurt." she sighed looking up from her tablet.

"Eh." he shrugged "Don't worry about me."

He'd never admit it but Sonic had grown fond of the latest team member. At first she'd been introduced to the team as a friend of Tails, she had some tech skills and so started to help Tails out with various devices. Until eventually she was a full time member helping in the workshop and the field.

And now apparently she was acting as Sonic's over protective mother.

"Of course I worry you idiot, when you're throwing yourself into lava and off cliffs of course I'm going to bloody worry." she stood up from her chair clicking her tablet off.

"Aww so you do care."

"You're my friend Sonic and I don't want you to get hurt." she said rummaging around in a draw.

And there was that one word that was a knife to the chest, 'friend'.

"So what are you doing now?" he asked, trying to distract himself from being put down.

"My tablet has a chaos energy tracker system which I made, but it doesn't have quiet enough coverage hence why I'm using a fancy micro ship Tails designed."

"Fancy doesn't seem like that much of a technical term."

"Trust me if I tried to explain it you wouldn't be able to keep up."

"Try me."

And sure enough in under thirty seconds Sonic was completely befuddled by the weird and strange world of electronics. But he didn't care, he just wanted to hear her voice, to spend more time with her. It was getting to the point that he didn't know what he'd do if (Y/N) didn't at least notice him a little bit.

He really liked her, and he felt as though his feelings were escalating too fast. But either way, he was determined to win her affections. 

"Morning Tails!"

"Morning (Y/N)." Tails greeted looking up from his work pushing up his goggles "Did you have any luck finding that emerald last night?"

"Nope, but I had a hard time convincing Sonic not to come with me. Eventually I was able to get him to stay and rest the leg he burned yesterday."

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