Halloween Special: Spell Miss-hap

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"Hey Amy where do you want these decorations!?" (Y/N) asked.

"Just put them on the kitchen counter!" Amy called from the sitting room.

So carrying the heavy cardboard box from the front door (Y/N) walked into the kitchen glad to put the box down and give her aching arms a break. She then went back into the sitting room to see Amy stood on a stool hanging up fake cobwebs and Cream was unraveling plastic snakes.

"You really go all out for Halloween don't you?" (Y/N) asked with a smile.

"Of course! Any excuse to decorate my house and have a party!" she laughed.

"And what about you Cream? What do you do for Halloween?" (Y/N) asked her.

"I go trick or treating every year with Charmy and we always got lots of sweets." Cream explained happily.

It was October so naturally all the fake spiders, costumes and sweets had come out and everyone was getting excited for the 31st. And even though Halloween wasn't for another week Amy had asked (Y/N) and Cream round to help her decorate her house with various decorations, and (Y/N) had offered to bring round some decorations she had.

After Amy had finished putting up the fake cobwebs she went into the kitchen to look at the decorations which (Y/N) had brought over. Cream stayed in the sitting room looking through another box of various Halloween trinkets.

"Hey (Y/N) these are all brand new, did you just buy them?" Amy asked as she went through the cardboard box.

"No I bought them ages ago, you see my family never celebrated Halloween so I bought my own decorations but never had the chance to put them up." (Y/N) explained.

"You've never celebrated Halloween!? It's decided then you're defiantly celebrating it this year!" Amy stated.

And of course (Y/N) could see no reason to refuse. Amy took the box (Y/N) had brought into the sitting room but the pair saw that Cream had several objects laid around her on the floor.

"Amy I think I found your old Tarot cards!" Cream exclaimed.

Standing up she handed Amy a thin pink box.

"I thought I'd lost these, I made these myself when I was younger." Amy gasped.

"What exactly are Tarot cards?" (Y/N) inquired.

"You lay them out and pick certain cards in a certain order to tell the future." Amy explained.

"So could you tell the future right now?" (Y/N) wondered getting excited.

"I could give it a go." Amy smiled.

She sat down at her table and started to lay the cards down, meanwhile (Y/N) sat down with Cream looking through the various things in this other box.

"Where exactly did you find this box Cream?" (Y/N) asked.

She was curious because this box contained some weird things, a coupe of old books, dusty jars, even an old looking cauldron.

"Well when me and Amy were bringing down the boxes from the attic I saw this one and though it would be good to bring down." Cream explained as she picked up one of the old books.

Flipping through the pages the rabbit found all the pages stained and odd smelling, and the text was intricate and hard to read, but she could just make out a couple of words.

"What's in the book?"

"I don't know the words are all funny and hard to read but I can make out a couple of lines." Cream said squinting at the page.

"Well read it out then."

"When witches start to chant spells and ride the night,

Be prepared and be scared for an oncoming fright,

Potions are made and concoctions bubble,

So be prepared and be scared for oncoming trouble,

Because when witches ride and black cats are seen,

The moon laughs and whispers 'tis near Halloween!'" Cream read out.

It sounded like a spell, so the two paused for a second waiting for something to happen, anything. But nothing.

"Well that was a bit of a disappointment." (Y/N) sighed.

"Oh well..." Cream said closing the book.

"Hmmmm, that's weird." Amy thought out loud.

"What is?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well the cards are telling me that there's going to be a lot of trouble and mischief later on, sometime in the near future." Amy said peering down at her cards.

What could that mean? Either way it probably doesn't matter, after all... what's the worst that could happen?

What? You thought I was done with Halloween, oh no! You've had the 'scary' part of Halloween and now it's time for the 'trick' side.

So let's just see what trouble that little spell can bring about!

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