Tails x reader: Allegory of the Cave

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You are a (A/T).

Oh I do love exams (!).

"So... Aristotle's Allegory of the cave-

"No, Plato's Allegory of the cave." Tails corrected.

"Ugh! Can't I just take your tornado and fly to the Ice Cap Zone? That way I can avoid taking my exams." (Y/N) huffed.

"Come on (Y/N) you practically know everything else." Tails tired to encourage her.

"Be that as it may I still don't know everything." she contradicted him.

"Don't worry you'll be fine in your exams." he continued.

"That's easy for you to say, you already remember everything you need for your exams." she grumbled.

Usually a boyfriend and girlfriend both in college would enjoy a Saturday going out on a date, the movies, a hang out with friends. But Tails and (Y/N) would most likely have intricate debates regarding their contrasting A-Levels, Tails taking science and engineering and (Y/N) taking philosophy and ethics. Either that or Tails would entertain her with some of his inventions.

However not today, instead they were both sat on Tail's sofa with several snacks of the coffee table. Tails held a stack of flash cards and had been testing (Y/N) on the basic definitions of what subjects she needed to know.

Although any student out there will know after about two hours of studying and their brains turn into mush, already considering any form of employment which didn't require high grades.

"Can't I have a go at testing you?" (Y/N) asked, sick of being the one who couldn't remember all the facts.

"That would be a waste of time, you said it yourself I already know everything I need. All I need to do is work on my exam technique." Tails practically answered.

"Well can we do that then? Anything but those flash cards." she bargained.

"Okay..." he agreed with a contented sigh.

Jumping up from the sofa (Y/N) pulled out a file from her rucksack which she'd brought with her. You know the old saying 'practise makes perfect', well unfortunately it was the same with exams. Unless you practised how to answer the questions then usually you'd end up with zilch marks.

"My teacher told me that it's good revision to just plan the questions and not answer them in full detail, we've done that in plenty of our mocks." she explained.

"Okay, so (Y/N) tell me how would you answer the question 'What is utilitarianism?'" he asked holding the past paper.

"Ummm, I would give a detailed definition and then the advantages and disadvantages to the theory." she proposed.

"Sounds good to me, uhh and what about the allegory of the cave?" he continued to test her.

"First I'd explain the story of Aristotle's-


"Arrggh! I can't do it!" she cried throwing her head into the nearest cushion in frustration at getting the facts wrong again.

It was silent a moment as (Y/N) thought herself pathetic for not being able to remember a stupid philosophers name.

"Hey I have an idea!" Tails suddenly said with a snap of his fingers.

Before she could even ask what he'd thought of he pulled the cushions from under her legs and putting them of the floor made his way to the kitchen, coming back seconds later he placed a couple of table chairs and the broom near the cushions. He then went off again upstairs coming back down with a couple of blankets.

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