Silver x reader: Dance Until The World Ends

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You are a (A/T)

Keep on dancing until the world ends...

The land was baron. Everywhere for as far as the eye could see, was stone. With a somber atmosphere Silver walked through the apocalyptic world accompanied by his companion Blaze, along with an old dusty grey hedgehog called Victor.

Once again Silver had come back to the future only to have the hopes of a peaceful life shattered. This time the apocalypse took the form of a creature similar to Iblis. But this time what ever this creature touched, would turn to stone. Cities were frozen in time in hours, countries destroyed in days. Barely anyone escaped.

Now, centuries later, wherever Silver went everything was stone. He found himself constantly thinking back to the green fields and rainbows of flowers that he saw in the past. He also longed to see more Mobians. Victor was the first survivor he and Blaze had met in months.

"Come on, the safest place is over here." Victor called quietly.

Silver and Blaze had decided to go back to the past to save their future, once again. And Victor was showing them an area that would be safe enough to Chaos control and open a portal, with out alerting the latest apocalypse.

They followed him out of a stone city to a dried out field, ruins came into view and entering them Victor led them to a sort of room with crumbling walls, sun light leaking in from the cracks shining down on the centre of the room which was a stone pavilion. And at the very centre was a stone (A/T).

"What is this place?" Silver asked.

"Hope." Victor answered with a small smile.

The pair looked at him asking for more verification.

"This (A/T) here." Victor started.

Silver looked at the statue which had once been alive, and he noticed straight away that unlike all the other victims, who had been terrified, scared in their last moment fear permanently written on their faces. This (A/T) was middle aged and held a small smile, her posture suggesting she was halfway through some sort of dance move. Her posture elegant her arms daintily positioned. He thought her very beautiful.

"She's my great grandmother. But she was, and still is, a symbol of hope to all us survivors. 200 years ago when the apocalypse began every one fled. But not her. She just kept on dancing." Victor explained happily.

"Why?" Blaze asked, just as surprised as Silver at the story.

"She knew there was no point in running and so she decided to die doing the thing she loved most. But in doing that she bought enough time for the Mobians of her time to escape, including her teenage daughter. Further more the apocalypse never dared touch this area again, so it's been seen as a safe place to those of us still alive." Victor concluded.

"That's some story." Silver breathed.

There had never been a sign of hope like this (A/T). Yet here she stood.

"Anyway, the strongest part of the structure is over here." Victor broke the silence.

In a shaded area Silver opened up another portal and it lit up the area, sucking air into it seeming anything but inviting.

"Are you coming with us?" Silver asked Victor.

"Nah you don't need an old fellow like me tagging along, besides I'll be able to see these sunsets everyone talked about so much soon enough." He smiled.

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