Shadow x reader: Overtime

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Hey guys I decided to publish this to say sorry about my mistake yesterday and thank you for your comments.

You reminded me why I did these one shots, which is write for people who deserve them.


You are a (A/T)

Another day, another dollar.

Bored. That was the definition of (Y/N) right now. She sat there in her flat shared with her boyfriend at a loss of how to spend her time. After some time coming up with ideas having grown bored of the TV, the only thing she could possibly think of was to both text and annoy her boyfriend.

Where are you?

Shadoooww? I know your getting my texts.

Are you working late again?

Shadow the Hedgehog answer me right now!

Giving up in a huff she slouched further down the sofa lazily dropping her phone by her side, you would have thought that four texts in an hour deserved some kind of response. Her ears perked up though as a small *ping!* came from her phone. But it wasn't the reply she had wanted.

I'm at work

So she texted back:

I guessed that but why aren't you at home?

Because I'm at work

Well how long are you going to be there?

I won't be back until late

And how late is late?


She gave another large huff resuming her slouched position giving up. Shadow had been doing this a lot lately, working late and seeing less of her. She guessed it was because he was trying to take his mind off of things or something, but that still didn't excuse him from spending so little time with her.

"You know what, I'm going to talk him tomorrow and give him a piece of my mind." She declared out loud.

She was worried about him and wanted to help him if he did have a problem, besides. This amount of work could not be healthy for him.

~the next day~

"I'm perfectly fine (Y/N)."

(Y/N) just gave a grumble at the sweeping reply Shadow had given. It was Thursday so (Y/N) knew Shadow would be here in the shooting range, he comes here to practise every week, even when he's not working as hard as he currently is.

"You can't be fine Shadow, not with how hard you are working. Your barely giving yourself time to rest, what about sleep?" She asked concerned.

"I'm the Ultimate Life Form, I don't require sleep." He replied in the same dull voice, not even glancing at her as he reloaded his gun.

"You might not require it but it still allows you a mental break. Shadow your working too hard, your going to burn yourself out." (Y/N) continued to argue as he continued to shoot.

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