Halloween Special, Vampire - Silver x reader: The Aprrentices

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You are a (A/T)

Just two fools trying to prove themselves.

"(Y/N)! Get your useless self in here now!"

"Sorry Lockhart! I'm coming!"

Stumbling into a stone walled room, like a castle, a (A/T) ran in holding several weapons in her aching arms, and unluckily for her she tripped on her own feet sending the objects she held clattering on a near by oak table.

Looking up sheepishly at Lockhart, who was a ragged furred grey, middle aged wolf, he just gave a large sigh before picking up one of the weapons she had brought in. Holding up a perfectly carved cross bow he checked the arrow was loaded correctly, before going on to inspect the sharpness of the silver blades, and then seeing if the two guns had enough bullets in them.

"They'll have to do, at least you sharpened the blades a little this time." he said giving a sniff obviously not impressed.

(Y/N)'s ears dropped as she saw she hadn't done a good job. But I sharpened that blade for a good ten minutes and I cleaned all of those bullets individually.

It was often like this for (Y/N). She was a vampire hunter in training, determined to protect people from the violent vampires out there. But it was hard to stay at it and see it all worth something when the entire Hunter Society seemed to be against her.

She was seen as a weak girl, even though she used her lack of strength to her advantage in battle. And she was often seen as a nuisance because she often made mistakes, but her clumsiness was a result of her nerves of fearing messing up.

And it didn't help that her latest mentor was Lockhart, one of the most professional hunters in the entire society, and he was also the hardest to please. And usually trainees were sent to him so that he could scare or make them give up on the idea of being a hunter.

And (Y/N) was fully aware that they were trying to get rid of her, but she was determined not to be moved and show she could be an excellent hunter.

Little did (Y/N) know though that there was someone exactly like her not too far away who was in the same predicament like him.

"I very much hope that I don't have to repeat the plan to you for a third time."

"No I promise Mephiles that I've remembered it this time." a white hedgehog desperately tried to convince his mentor.

"Then please do tell me what the plan is Silver."

"You are to infiltrate the old court room where the Hunter Society's ancient records are kept, on the outskirts of town, whilst I stand guard outside in case any hunters come along." Silver recalled.

"Good, it looks like you listened for once."

Before Silver could explain himself for not listening though Mephiles turned to leave headed for the records center and Silver was quick to follow not wanting to disappoint his mentor further. 

But the reason he hadn't listened earlier was because he didn't want to let Mephiles know that previously in the week he had accidentally been hit with an anti vampire weapon, effecting his hearing for a short while. 

And so here we have two, who are seen by everyone else as fools, who are just trying to prove themselves.

"So where are we going tonight Lockhart?" (Y/N) asked as they headed out the Hunter Society HQ, fully loaded with many weapons.

"We've been tipped off that a vampire is going to try and steal some old manuscripts from the hall of records."  Lockhart explained.

"Do we know which manuscripts?"

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