Fairy Tale Special - Mehpiles x reader: Rapunzel

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You are a (A/T)

The girl in the tower...

"Dear, I feel as though I shall die if I do not eat one of those lettuces in the neighbour's garden!" a pregnant (A/T) howled.

"But (M/N), that garden belongs to the village witch. She would demand something in return at best or at worst use her magic on us." her husband tried to reason.

(M/N) gave a huff in defeat and lent back in her rocking chair, going back to gazing out the window and down into the vegetable patch. She sat there everyday and sewed and knitted various pieces of clothing for her unborn child, but over the weeks and months she had begun to long for the lettuces in their magical neighbours garden.

It even got to the point that she started to feel faint and sick, and so fearing for the life of his wife and child (F/N) braved to sneak into the witches' garden one night. Carefully avoiding every little branch and twig, not letting a bush rustle or a plant leaf to move he moved like a shadow of the night, but this shadow had to eventually make a sound.

The instant the snapping of the vegetables roots could be heard a sharp and harsh voice filled the air.

"You dare steal from me!?"

(F/N) jumped violently stumbling to the ground, becoming a stuttering mess he sheepishly held the single lettuce looking up at the purple hedgehog of a witch.

"P-please Miss Witch, I f-fear my wife will die if she doesn't eat this..." he whimpered.

"I know nothing of your wife! Only you who have tried to steal from me!" she snapped back, already considering what painful fate he should have.

"Please! My wife is with child and I cannot bare to loose them both!" he pleaded.

She stopped for a second.

"You are with child?" she asked, her voice sinister.


She bared her fangs in a smirk. Then, in return for both his life and the one lettuce, the witch bargained that he give her this child once it was born. Not even considering the arrangement he agreed right away, running away glad to just be alive.

(F/N) kept his bargain with the witch a secret, but in the mean time she ate the stolen lettuce and regained her health at a fast pace. Then one night (M/N) waters broke and she gave birth to a beautiful baby (F/C) furred (A/T). She held her daughter close then handed her to her father.

But a lump arose in his throat when he remembered the bargain he struck. And with that thought the witch burst into the house with a loud *SLAM!* of the door!  

"I have come to make sure you keep your end of the bargain!" the witch cackled.

"Who are you!?" (M/N) demanded.

"Oh? Hasn't your darling husband told you of our arrangement?" she asked with a smirk.

(F/N) then proceeded to hesitantly tell (M/N) of their bargain. Distraught she could only scream as, to weak from giving birth to leave her bed, as (F/N) held out the baby (A/T) to the witch, who took her into her arms delicately. But not an ounce of love could be found in her eyes, they were purely cynical.

"No! You can't take my (Y/N)!" (M/N) cried.

"(Y/N) eh? I think I'll call her Rapunzel instead. It's a much better fitting name wouldn't you say?" she laughed.

And with that she disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and the child wasn't seen for the next 17 years....

Now Rapunzel was indeed a fitting name, for you see in German 'Rapunzel' is indeed the name of a particular lettuce. The vegetable which had essentially led to the witch becoming a mother. That night the witch took Rapunzel deep into a forest, where a tall tower rested.

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