Halloween Special, Vampire - Mephiles x reader: Target Aquired

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You are a (A/T)

Dark magic has its uses.

A pub stood in town blending perfectly into the street as a pub should. It was nothing special, it smelled of stale beer, nut packets littered the floor and there was nearly always someone passed out on the bar.

As the grey stuffy Scottie dog of a bartender wiped down the bar not expecting any customers until later tonight, the front door was lightly kicked open and a female (A/T) walked in, her face covered as best as possible with the hood of her coat.

"And what can I do for you missy?" He asked cheerily.

She took a seat on a bar stool.

"Don't mess around you know what I want." She said sliding a black bank card into the bar.

"Always about the business (Y/N)." He chuckled taking the card.

She just gave a grunt in response.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you. There's a level ten vampire in the area apparently. But he's said to be very powerful, I'd sit this one out (Y/N)." The bartender warned.

"As if." She scoffed.

He handed her back her black card and she snatched it back.

"Well can I at least give you one last drink before you go off and kill yourself?" He offered.

"No thanks, but I'll take you upon that offer when I come back." She said headed out the pub.

Walking down the street she pulled out the black card again and scanned the bar code on her phone, and straight away pages of information flashed onto her screen.

You see (Y/N) was a vampire hunter, but not a regular one. She is what people would call a rogue hunter, when she got details on dangerous vampires she'd kill them herself but she didn't have to follow some silly oath or long list of rules that hunters of the Hunter Society followed. She also killed dangerous vampires for no fee, so some people may even call her a mercenary.

But the Hunter Society simply called her nuisance. Either way she didn't care, as long as she got her next target she was civil with herself.

Let's see....

Name: Unknown
Level: 10
Crimes: believed to be responsible for recent attacks in Station Square.
Abilities: increased stamina, speed and sight. Has some form of energy manipulation.
Last known sighting: Lower Station Square.

Well this sure is a lot of information (!) But it'll have to do.

In any case her mind was made up. Now she was defiantly going after this vampire. Recently there had been some pretty gruesome deaths in Station Square, obviously caused by a vampire. And the last victim had been a child. So she would be sure to murder this guys ass.

Meanwhile though time carried on and pretty soon night fell, or rather the dawn for vampires. And a particular vampire stood upon a roof observing as the city came to life at night. Mobians hid in their homes and turned on all their lights fighting off the dark, eventually the drunk stumbled home or passed out on the streets, and so soon enough not a peep or whisper could've been heard through out the city.

Yet the vampire still appeared to be searching for something, or someone. The vampire himself though was a hedgehog with black fur and teal streaks in his quills. But there certainly was one trait that made him a very odd vampire indeed, he didn't have a mouth.

Where are they?

This vampire however was searching for someone, a very rare being called a 'Blessed'. A regular mobian who is unaware that they stop ageing at the age of 18 and that there blood is by far the richest in taste, and can deliver powers to a vampire who drinks it. And this vampire had learned from a local source that there was one in this area.

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