Silver x reader: Partners In Time

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Here you go @Authorchanrules ;)

You are a (A/T)

I've never really been one for fate and destiny.

Why? Why can't I return yet?

This was the constant thought running around Silver's head. Having come back in time from 200 years in the future with the intention of changing the past to save the future, he had thankfully been successful in terminating the threat that resulted in his unfortunate time line. And yet, he couldn't get back to the future to love the life he had just fought for.

No matter how many portals he opened with the Chaos Emerald he had, every time he jumped through he just came back the same way. So at the moment he was stuck in the pleasant past with Sonic and his friends. Not that he minded much... But he did want to go home.

So making the most of it he was just looking around the area, one of the busy towns. And the vast buildings and the amount of Mobians around befuddled him as he stared in awe. So much that he didn't look where he was going....


"Hey! Watch where your going punk!"

All ready to let a water fall of apologies tumble out of his mouth for not looking where he was going Silver faced who he had bumped into.

And it just had to be a grey buff wolf who he bashed into, who was backed up with a tall dark green crocodile, sinister looking brown fox and a unlucky black cat. Who all matched each other perfectly in a death glare sent Silver's way.

The noise and chatter of the pedestrians only just covered the loud sound of Silver giving a gulp. Sure he could use his telekenisis but at the moment he felt rather small, and he didn't want to be responsible for a fight that wasn't even in his own timeline.

"Well? You got anything to say?" the wolf asked leaning over slightly.

"Yeah, you can't just bump into people like that, kid." the fox snapped before Silver could say a word.

At 18 years old Silver wasn't anything but a 'kid'.

"Ha! The pot head's probably too high to say anything!" the cat shrieked in a aggravatingly high pitched voice.

A twinge of anger sparked inside the hedgehog, even in a situation like this where he was trying to avoid violence, he hated it when anyone took the piss out of his front quills. Unknown to the thug gang the turquoise aura around Silver's hands was steadily glowing brighter, he was about to do a attack when-

"There you are! Seriously I can't leave you alone for five minuets!"

The entire group stopped as a female (F/C) (A/T) jumped in between Silver and the gang, before Silver could even ask who she was she lightly grabbed his wrist and began to pull him away from the confused thugs.

"Come on! We've still got plenty to do! Times a wasting!" she chimed.

Glad for the escape route he didn't complain as the bouncy (A/T) led him around a couple of corners until they were on another street of shops.

"Sorry about that, that was Grey and his gang. They can be quite nasty." the girl apologised.

"Uh, t-that's okay, but why did you help me?" Silver asked.

"I just saw that Grey and the others were giving you a hard time so I thought I'd help out, and I didn't think you wanted to start a fight." she continued.

"Heh, your right about that. It was my fault though, I wasn't looking where I was going." he explained.

"No it wasn't your fault, Grey's always looking for a fight. He just chose you to pick on." the girl said.

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