Knuckles x Human!reader: Curiosity

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You are human

Curiosity killed the cat.

She was sweaty, tired and muddy. Yet she carried on digging through the dirt ignoring everything, her aching limbs, the beating sun, only concentrating on finding evidence of past civilisations.

(Y/N) was a determined and amateur archaeologist. It was her passion to dig up secrets of the past, fitting seeming though she was currently studying History. And the sight she was digging at had taken her six months to get permission to dig here, and even then the council had only given her a weekend. So she had to make the most of her time and try and find any artefacts she could.

So far she'd found a couple of vintage coins but not much more, but she figured that with how determined the council were in denying her curiosity to dig up this area, there must be something of worth in the soil. Perhaps this was where a great battle was held? Where an ancient Royal was buried? Who knew! 

As she carried on digging, dusting and metal detecting long into the morning and well into the afternoon she didn't find anything, but then her shovel hit something hard with a loud CLANG!

She had struck gold! Or rather, emerald.

Excitedly she dug away the dirt and dusted it away until a large emerald shard was visible.

"What do we have here?" She asked out loud holding the item to her face.

Picking it up the large shard was rather heavy and reflected the light in a lush green pattern. In fact it appeared to be glowing...

(Y/N) failed to notice it's aura getting brighter, until the point she was practically blinded!

"What the heck!?" She yelled shielding her eyes.

She would have let go of the shard but her inner archeologist refused. It got so bright to the point that all she could see was white! Standing still she felt as though her hand was tingling with energy as it held the gem. Until eventually the light dimmed down, almost instantly.

Blinking with her regained sight she didn't feel any different, but when her eyes came back into focus she realised  that she wasn't in her digging sight.

"What the heck...?" She asked again more quietly.

She was now surrounded by lush green forests, trees going up to the sky's, the grass as green as the emerald she was holding, any glimpses of sky revealed bright blue accompanied by a cool summer breeze.

How on Earth did I end up here?

And more importantly how would she get back? She had to admit the area was nice but this was not her home.

"Who's there!?"

(Y/N) jumped at the voice. It was deep, almost angry. And the first thing she thought was that she might be on some private property. So in a root reflex she began to run from whoever was there, but that was stupid she soon found out as that only gave her position away.

"Hey stop!" The same voice from behind her.

Clutching the emerald shard closer she sped up, hoping a miracle might come about and get her out of this situation. Her hopes weren't answered as the forest quickly formed into a clearing and she nearly went straight over a cliff!

Her heart raced as wobbled at the edge looking down and seeing that she seemed to be on a floating island! Then suddenly a rough hand grabbed her by the arm pulling her back to safety. 

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