SEGA you have some explaining to do!

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Yay! New trailer! But is it really yay?

Yay! New trailer! But is it really yay?

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Let's focus on the positive first

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Let's focus on the positive first.

* Chaos! (Meaning the ME has most likely been smashed again)
* Metal Sonic!
* A new villain who looks totally kick ass!

His nickname at the moment is 'Infinite'. And I think he's an evolution of Mephiles as look at the eyes and the feet! I don't think the similarities are a confidence. Also they don't have a mouth by the looks if it.

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But there's also the bad

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But there's also the bad.

* I thought Chaos was good
* I personally don't like the Zeti so not happy they're back

Sorry it's just SEGA keep trying to make him a villain when he's not!

But there are thankfully many theories on the go to solve this issue.

1. This new villain can manipulate time, him having parallel to Mephiles this would make sense, and has brought Chaos and Shadow back from the point they were villains

2. The new villain can mind control

3. Shadow is undercover.

I just hope hope hope he isn't a true villain as that is the one thing I will lot stand for. Another issue with all these theories is Shadow will be causing destruction to the very planet he promised to Maria he would protect. If and when he breaks out if the hopeful mind control how will he feel? It'll must likely crush him.

Sorry I just had to get that off my chest. Shadow is not a bad guy. Fuck you SEGA.

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