Sonic x reader: Stupidhead

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You are a (A/T).

One way or another, it would only end in the death of the opposing side.

"Your an idiot." the (F/C) (A/T) mumbled, her suppressed tears translating into a frown.

"Ouch(!) Not very friendly (!)" the blue hedgehog chuckled.

Brushing off his humour she continued to tie the bandage around his arm.

He needs to stop doing this. She thought.

Lately in any attack that occurred the blue hedgehog also known as the hero Sonic, would take every blast and blow going, whether it be (Y/N), Tails, Amy, even Knuckles he'd take it all. Having trained and became good friends with him over the years (Y/N) knew Sonic was fully aware that she was more than capable of defending her self, especially from the likes Eggman.

But both mobians also knew that things were getting more dangerous, more risky. Although it was mainly Sonic, others now found it hard to come back from a simple battle without a slip of spilt blood. Luckily though all you mobians healed fast thanks to experience. But no one could deny that things were getting worse, and it would eventually end with the death of either family and friends or Eggman.

And the latter would be much preferred.

"You need to stop running into things so carelessly. Literally." (Y/N) scolded him, her worry being mistaken for anger.

Tapping the med kit shut she stood over his tried figure sat on the sofa of his sitting room.

"Sorry (Y/N) but that's kinda what I do." he teased.

"You keep battling every enemy without any form of plan or strategy and look how you end up!" she continued gesturing to the bandage on his arm, as well as his left ear and lower right leg.

"I like to think that I'm an expert improviser." he messed around puffing his chest out in a playful manner.

"It's not 'improvising', its you being impulsive jumping in front of every attack available." she argued back not taking his excuse at tall.

He frowned for a second not liking his excuse being thrown back at him and the topic of conversation being purely about him.

"I was just thinking about everyone's safety." he replied stubbornly.

Standing up though, in an attempt to prove his injuries were but mere scratches, he couldn't fully hide the small wince he gave when he applied pressure to his wrapped up leg.

"No you weren't! You don't think anything through anymore and your not thinking about everyone's safety because your not thinking about your own." (Y/N) carried on explaining her point, struggling with every word to hide the ever growing twist and tangle of emotions within her which threatened to leak out at any moment.

Ever since the two had become 'official', despite their best attempts Eggman among other enemies soon figured out their feelings towards each other out. And round about that time was when attacks grew more frequent, life threating, life altering.

Unlike past attacks it was more than the usual gang who were getting hurt, civilians were at risk more than ever. And (Y/N) felt as if she were to blame due to their love, but it was a force of nature and not even a ruddy Chaos emerald could prevent either one of their desires towards each other.

"Don't worry I'm fine." he said with a jolly tone giving her playful pat on the head slipping the med kit out of her hand before heading to return it to the correct cupboard.

His voice and attitude maybe it's usual self but his body language failed him in showing how much pain he was in.

"But you might not be so lucky next time!" she pouted, actually growing angry that the stubborn hedgehog refused to listen to reason.

Sat on the sofa with her arms crossed with a cute pout on her face was enough to distract Sonic from the stinging of his wounds.

"Who needs luck when I've got you?" Sonic asked flumping onto the sofa not even leaving the space for a magazine between the two as he wrapped an arm around her pulling her close, practically onto his lap.

He then proceeded to further tease her by sweetly planting a peck on her forehead.

"Okay, I'm calling Tails as I'm convinced you've a got a concussion." she said placing a hand to his forehead as to check his temperature.

"I keep telling you I'm fine." he groaned.

Even though at that moment his wounded arm which he had wrapped around the love of his life stung in a sharp pang. Okay, so he admitted he felt a little sore, but he'd up and about in a few hours. A day tops.

"Well I guess you don't want me to kiss your bruises better then." (Y/N) teased hopping off the sofa.

She secretly grinned to herself already knowing that Sonic's ears would be drooping slightly at her last sentence.

But her plan back fired terribly when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist puling her close into with her back pressing his soft chest.

"I guess I'll just have to steal a kiss or go out and get more wounds so you can make me feel better." he purred into her ear.

"Don't you dare!"

Turning around to meet his face with a 15 minute lecture already planned it all melted away when he pressed his lips against hers.

Pulling away a few seconds later Sonic gave a sly smirk glad that his plan had worked.

"Got you." he chuckled.

(Y/N) now a blushing mess took refuge by burying her face into his chest as he refused to loosen his arms slung against her back. With her cheeks practically acting as a hot water bottle to all of his torso she mumbled proabably the only comeback she could think off.


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