Mephiles x reader: Caught under a spell (Black Knight)

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You are a (A/T)

What is this spell?

"Young Lady! Please cease your constant running away!"

Numb to the words of her tutor the young (A/T) happily skipped away, dashing down corridors, sliding down stair rails and getting lost on crowds if servants. Her mischievous giggles erupted when she made it out of the castle which was he home, holding up the hem of her skirt she dashed into the grand fields surrounding it.

The aspect of playing outside and enjoying nature being far more attractive than staring at dusty books for hours on end.

"Yes! I escaped that old crone!"

Doing a twirl in victory the princess didn't waste any time to explore the Royal gardens. No matter how many times she escaped her studies to visit them she always found something new, whether it be a new bush that had been planted or a new secret path. In the eyes of a child this was wonderland.

But then her eye was caught by something else. She just caught it, a flash of purple, spinning around looking frantically she knew she has seen something. Dashing about the garden it was only when she peaked behind the fountain when finally saw it properly. It was a Griffin. But a really small one, and it didn't appear real, considering the fact it was so small, and transparent a with a purple aura. It was an illusion, conjured by magic.

The illusion growled feebly at the princess to which she just giggled.

"You're cute!" 

Not the expected reaction of a child. It was then the illusion started to run away from her, and she gave into the chase running about in circles arms outstretched to catch the odd thing.
Unbeknownst to her that a violet crystal hand was controlling the illusion.

A creature of sorts, a hedgehog, named Mephiles resided in the shadows of the brambles enclosing the garden, his magic being the source of the illusion which was entertaining (Y/N). His curiosity had been spiked when he heard laughter in a part of the garden he had suspected to be abandoned and forgotten.

But having had enough of the child's giggles he cast away the illusion, it disappearing into a stream which found its way to his palm. But (Y/N) had been quick to follow the magic, stating into the brambles were the wizard resided.

Upon seeing a pair of fuchsia eyes in the brambles however she might as well have been stone. The eyes stare back as though daring her to make a move. And she did, by running away. The typical response.

"Typical mortals." He muttered to himself.

He held no fear that the child had seen him however, no adult would believe she had truly seen a monster. And the adults would never suspect an enemy of the kingdom to be so close to castle grounds, hence why it was such a reliable location to dwell. But his lack of fear was replaced with confusion when the child ran back.

Holding a rag that was full of various items she clumsily dumped them in front of the brambles were she knew the hedging was hiding.

"Here you go!" She smiled brightly "I hope you like apples a bread, I was able to sneak it out of the kitchens." She gestured to the food she had brought out.

She waited expectantly for whomever was hiding to come out. But she got the next best thing when he asked in a stale sounding voice.

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