Tails x reader: Unseen

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You are (A/T)

Funny how things can slip your sight, isn't it?

"No.... no... th-there must be some sort of mistake..."

"I'm sorry Miss (L/N), all the tests confirm it. We've never seen anything like this before I'm afraid, but if you require a counselor I'd be happy to..."

The doctors voice was drowned out though by her thoughts.

This can't be happening, this can't be happening.

She sat there in the doctors office wishing she could go back to this morning....



It was just a twinge of pain, she ignored it and carried on working on the device she was fixing.


Okay maybe it wasn't just a twinge.

"(Y/N) are you alright?" Tails' voice came from under his plane.

The pair were currently both in his workshop enjoying a casual morning of repairing and making various things, Tails found yet again another thing he could adjust on his Tornado, and (Y/N) was making a hologram map of sorts. A good little device any traveler might need.

But (Y/N) was struggling a little with that task right now.

"Ow!" she hissed again.

"(Y/N) are you sure you alright?" Tails asked again.

"Well I'd like to say 'yes', but every time I try to tighten a screw or pick up a tool my (left/right) wrist stings." she explained.

Sliding from under the Tornado Tails stood up and saw (Y/N) sat at the workbench clutching her wrist.

"Did you fall over or anything earlier today?" he asked her.

"No, I've been sat here most of the day." she said shaking her head.

"Let me see your wrist." he said.

Cupping her wrist lightly in his hand he pressed his fingers lightly up and down her wrist, and she winced when that same stinging pain went up her arm. Normally though (Y/N) would have been a blushing mess right now if the pair weren't currently in a relationship, seeming though Tails had been her crush.

But when she finally got the courage to confess it turns out he felt exactly the same, now they spent pretty much every second in his workshop in each others company.

"I think you might have sprained it, your sure you haven't fallen over or anything?" Tails asked letting go of her wrist gently.

"No, I know I'm clumsy but I'd remember falling over. Maybe I slept walked or something in the night?" she suggested.

"Well it wouldn't surprise me if you did." he chuckled at her.

"Do you think I should go and get it checked out?" she asked.

"I think that would be an idea, do you want me to come with you?" he offered.

"No its alright, besides I'm a big girl I'll be fine." she smiled.

As much as she would have liked to stay in the workshop spending away the rest of the day practicing her hobby the pain in her wrist couldn't be denied. So she left the workshop and took a walk down to the local hospital and saw her GP.

"Well it sounds to me that you've sprained your wrist, so we'll get you down to the x-ray department right now." he said.

The next 45 minuets were spent waiting for an x-ray, always the most fun part of any hospital experience (!). But after her wrist had been x-rayed that's when something seemed to be wrong.

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