Silver x reader: The Runaway

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You are a (A/T)

When someone runs away they are usually chasing after their mind which ran away long ago.

The blanc hedgie known as Silver gripped his umbrella desperately hoping the wind wouldn't blow it out of his grip again during the pouring rain as he made his way down the street lamp lit streets. Even though without the lamps his path would still be lit by his turquoise aura given off by his metallic bands.

He'd been caught up at Tails' workshop where Sonic and Knuckles had also been that day, the four had engaged in a gaming competition and Silver, being his usual stubborn self, had refused to leave until he beat them at least once.

So he treated every time he lost as practise and left that night after victoriously beating Sonic and the others three times. However the grey clouds which had been in the sky all day had the perfect timing of letting the heavens fall down as soon as he stepped out the door on his way home.

All the shops were closing, cafes bringing in their out door furniture and cars speeding past puddles on the road zooming home, but the sound of all the pitter patter of the rain and speeding cars were sharply interrupted.

"What are you doing hanging back behind my shop! Get out of here you skank!" a deep voice bellowed.

Silver's head snapped towards the end of an alley way leading to the back of several shops where the voice had originate from, and he saw a figure running down it back down towards the street. But they tripped on something and collided with the pavement.

It was a girl and she was soaked to the bone, and it was surprising that all she was wearing was a cotton t-shirt and pair of shorts which were her pyjamas, barefoot and shivering.

"Hey Miss, are you alright?" Silver asked straight away kneeling to the ground sheltering the pair under his umbrella.

Timidly she lifted her chin and looked up at him with her scratched face resulting in Silver giving the slightest gasp.

"(Y/N)? W-what are you doing here? And in your...." but he trailed off when she looked the other way blushing at her state.

Not saying anything she stumbled ungraciously to her feet and just stood there wrapping her arms around herself involuntarily shivering at the cold, now protected from the rain as they shared Silver's umbrella.

"Are you okay?" he dumbly asked at a loss for words.

"I-I... uh...." she stuttered, no excuse coming to mind.

He took in her half drowned and desperate figure and even though he didn't know what to say he knew what to do.

So he grabbed her hand gently, feeling her trembling from the winds cutting right through her.

"Come on I'll take you back to my place." he said in a small voice that only just made it over the racket of the rain.

She shook her head to protest, beads of water flying off her messy hair.

"Don't be an idiot, come on." he said in the same voice.

But he didn't give her chance to protest as he took off his jacket and put it on her shoulders then wrapped an arm around her pulling her gently along with him. And his jacket and warm white fur against her sodden (F/C) fur only made her realise how ice like she'd become in the rain.

The walk back to Silver's place was a short and painfully silent one, all the way (Y/N) was constantly embarrassed at the state she was in choosing to occupy her sight on the ground as she stumbled with her shoeless feet.

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