Tails x reader: Digital

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You are a (A/T)

Computers are easy.... aren't they?

Cracking his knuckles the teenage kitsune took a seat at his desk setting his computer up all ready for the task he was about to start. Previously today Tails, Sonic and Knuckles had all taken part in a mission to investigate Eggman's latest hide out which they'd discovered. Better to stop him before he could launch his plans and put this base out of commission killing two birds with one stone.

There wasn't much there apart from a few badniks, the place looked deserted but before Sonic and Knuckles had their fun blowing the place up Tails took the chance to download all of Eggman's files onto his tablet, and he'd just uploaded them all to his computer. Planning to spend the evening going through all the files to see what ideas Eggman might be planning.

And even though the files were from a deserted hide out Eggman might use some of the ideas in the future. But Tails was in for some disappointment. They were just very old designs for badniks along with some very weird inventions. Very weird indeed, a ten slice toaster, a badnik that needed all the chaos emeralds and Master Emerald to power it, a turbo powered butt scratcher, even moustache styling bot!

"Geez... I'm almost glad that Eggman's designs have gotten better over the years." Tails mumbled running a hand through his front strands of fur.

But nether the less he kept scrolling through all the files but then one file name among the others caught his eye.

'Project (Y/N)'

Curious he loaded the file and a progress bar came on the screen, it was taking a while to load...

Once the bar was eventually full the screen went black for a second. Tails feared the worst that a virus had just downloaded, that was until a voice started to come through the speakers.

"Project (Y/N) loading..."

But the thing that surprised Tails about the voice was that it was female. The screen then came back on but the last thing Tails expected to see was a (F/C) (A/T) in a (F/O) in the middle on the screen.

"Project (Y/N) fully loaded, I am an artificial intelligence awaiting coded or verbal instructions." the (A/T) on the screen said, expression dull.

However Tails was just staring at the screen dumbfounded. Artificial intelligence? It was possible! Wanting to test this system out, he started to think off a random command. One quickly came to mind.

"Umm, what is today's date?" He hesitantly asked wondering what the out come would be.

"Toady's current date is 22 slash 04 slash 2016." the (A/T) said in the same dull voice.

Tails simply stared at the blank (A/T), this system was able to achieve his command easily, he wondered what else she could do.

"What exactly is the purpose of your coding (Y/N)?" He continued to ask, yet he felt that he needed to address this artificial intelligence as a person rather than a computer. 

"First function was to pose as a hologram to portray the image of 'live bait' to the enemy subject 'Sonic the Hedgehog' in the event he mistook my programming for a real Mobian and secured himself in a pre-set trap." was her reply.

It certainly sounded like a plan Eggman would come up with.

"So Eggman didn't programme you to be an artificial intelligence?" Tails continued to ask.

"Negative, my programming soon proved inferior however I was able to develop my coding and systems to allow myself to experience what mobians call 'emotions'. Eggman was absent in my self improvement and my file was placed in storage" she said. 

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