Silver x reader: Neighbors

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You are a (A/T)

It doesn't take much to be friendly to your neighbors.

Mobius is often seen as a place straight out of a comic book with all the battles between Sonic and Eggman, the time travel and magical gems, when in reality? When there wasn't a battle it turns out there was very little to do, other than 'regular' things and wait around for the next battle. An issue Silver the Hedgehog hadn't expected to have to deal with in his current domestic life.

Silver had accepted several months ago that he could never go back to the future. At first it did hurt, but then again, he wasn't going to exactly say no to living in the habitual past. Besides, if it meant all those in the future could live happy, then he himself saw it as a very little price. Plus the fact he wasn't lonely, having made excellent friends over the course of his adventures.    

But living a standard life was an adventure in itself for him, having to get used to the fact his life wasn't constantly in danger. So he continued to do little regular small activities such as checking his post box. He'd been able to get a reasonable flat where all the post boxes were on the ground floor, today there was an advert leaflet.

A small item which fascinated Silver as he read the various discounts for shops he had never visited before. However preoccupied with he post he accidentally bashed into a bunch of cardboard boxes. They all fell down with various clatters and he started to panic as to who these boxes belonged to.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing with my stuff!?"

Poking his head up from the pile of boxes Silver saw an angry looking (A/T).

"I'm sorry! I wasn't concentrating and so I bashed into them!" he hurriedly explained returning to his feet, coupon still thankfully in hand.

Getting a better look at the (A/T) she was (F/C) with (H/L) hair, and she seemed to rapidly calm down when she saw Silver was the cause of the boxes falling over.

"No I should be the one apologizing I'm sorry. I just moved into one of these flats and I shouldn't have left my boxes here, luckily they're all empty. I just thought you were one of those troublesome kids." she smiled.

"Trust me I didn't do it on purpose, and sorry again."

"Like I said, don't worry about it. By the way I'm (Y/N) the (A/T)." she continued to smile holding out her hand.

"And I'm Silver the Hedgehog." he returned the gesture also holding out his hand, hoping he was getting the custom right. Seeming though whenever he had been introduced to people in the future it was usually yelling over flames.  

"Well its nice to meet you Silver, I guess I'll see you around seeming though we're neighbors now."

"Yeah I guess we will."

After that Silver went up the elevator to his flat, happy at the thought of making another friend, well in a way. (Y/N) stayed behind on the ground level to shift her boxes but after the elevator doors closed she pulled out her phone from her back pocket, and unlocking the screen swiped to an image of the very hedgehog she had just been talking to. Giving a secret smirk she contently hummed to herself.

"This is going to be fun."

Meanwhile Silver had made it back to his flat and his mind was drifting back to his coupon, thinking of asking Amy to show him how to use it. Seeming though she was practically his tutor in the modern ways. When his communicator started to beep and Sonic's slightly panicked voice came through.

"Silver we need a hand! We've got some new enemy down in Station Square!"

"Alright I'm on my way!"  

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