It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

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The door opened with a violent kick as (Y/N) stumbled into her house, a Christmas tree slung on her shoulder.

"Home at last..." She mumbled to herself.

Putting the tree on the floor and shaking the snow from her hair she shut the door glad to be in the warm, she had after all just spent an hour in the cold trying to pick the perfect tree. And she had found it and set about putting it up.

Clamping it into the tree pot she put it up in her sitting room before climbing up to her attic and finding her dusty Christmas decorations.

"Bloody hell all these boxes are dusty." she coughed.

After going through boxes she found her old baby photos, long forgotten cuddly toys and some of her grandmothers clothes before she actually found the Christmas decorations.


But then she had to unravel all the tinsel and Christmas lights!

"Damn it, I say I'll wrap them up every year but do I? Oh no!"

After that was done she hung them on the tree and then hung on all the ball balls and other decorations. It took longer than she would have liked but eventually her glamorously decorated tree stood there tall, bushy and proud.

"Well that was a job and a half, but Christmas is only just beginning." she smiled to herself.

Slumping down on her sofa she gazed at her work.

"We've all still got to go to parties, Christmas shopping, not to mention meeting up with the family and enjoying the snow while it lasts. Yeah, I've got a feeling this Christmas is going to be a good one."

Here we go guys! I promised you all Christmas themed one shots and here we are!

And there's going to a one shot everyday now and will be finished with a big Christmas Special one shot at the very end on Christmas Day!

Please look forward to it all!

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