Shadow x reader: Confusion

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You are a (A/T)

When the past and present collide

Being a GUN agent was often depicted as constant crime fighting and missions, which for the large majority it was. However, there was also the laborious tasks of paper work and cleaning of paper work. Tasks that Shadow was currently stuck doing.

"What you doing?"

At the sudden voice on reflex Shadow pointed his half assembled gun at the person behind him.

"Not the most friendly way to great your partner."

Shadow just gave a huff as he withdrew his gun from (Y/N)'s face starting to clean it again.

"Like I would shoot."

"I'm not stupid I knew you wouldn't besides you haven't even reloaded your magazine."

He just carried on with his task, something though after he'd cleaned the weapons used on today's mission he'd have to fill out several bits of paper work before he could finally head home.

"Unless you're here to help me clean these blasted guns I'd prefer no distractions."

"I know, I know, you want to get home ASAP. I just dropped by to let you know I got off early, wanted to know if you wanted any help."

"No thanks. And don't say you're not tired I know you've had a ten hour shift."

"Hey I'm tougher than you think. Let me help out."

"No chance."

Heaving a large sigh (Y/N) knew there was no point pressing the matter. Once Shadow made his mind up about something there was very little that could change his mind.

"Fine. I'll hang about down town until you're done, I've got to pick up a couple of things anyway." she shrugged.

"I told you, you don't have to-

"See you later Shadow!" she called walking out the room.

Sadly Shadow wasn't the only one who was stubborn. But its how they had to act around the facility. Yes the two had been together for a while but any relationships within GUN often became the subject of gossip, especially if Shadow was concerned.

Plus the fact it meant any criminals to GU didn't catch on either. So Shadow remained his 'bad boy' self and (Y/N) would sass him with levels lower than Rouge and Omega. It was this front an fake performance which is what made him so eager to get home every night. Where he didn't have to pretend.

Eventually after his tasks were completed he was able to leave the facility and head into town to try and find where (Y/N) was. However, there seemed to be constant things getting in his way that day.

"Hey! What's up Shadow!?" a blue blur asked.

Shadow couldn't give an answer to Sonic because dashed past not bothering to stop. So Shadow simply stuck out his foot leaving the Faker to fall right on his face. He might as well have a little fun today.

"Oi! What was that for!?" Sonic asked rubbing his sore face.

"Because you wouldn't stop."

"And here I was trying to be friendly." Sonic grumbled through a navel voice rubbing the dirt from his nose.

"Not even stopping to have a conversation with someone. Very friendly (!)"

"Well you're no expert on hospitality either Faker."

Shadow would have greatly enjoyed correcting Sonic on who was the Faker when something caught his eye.

"See?! This is what I'm talking about! You just stare into space whenever any talks to you." Sonic huffed with a large hand gesture.

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