Chapter 145

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When Elizabeth and Georgie came rushing down the stairs as fast as their dresses allowed, Darcy could barely wonder why they were so late. He was first and mostly taken by his beloved's presence. Though most people would consider Anne more beautiful, and his cousin certainly had the intelligence and humour to make her even more attractive, there was something about Elizabeth that was totally unique. And it wasn't just his love for her making her seem so special, others felt it, too.

But why were they so late? Anne and her three men had passed by at least fifteen minutes ago, and though Bob could easily make up for the time, both Fielding and himself had other things to do than wait for their beautiful ladies.

'Sorry Fitzwilliam, sorry Eric, we were kept for a few moments,' Georgie said, then softer, 'Dora was a little out of sorts, we had a little talk. She's much better now, and Bob likes to drive fast, doesn't he?'

Dear Georgie, talking to a servant with, most likely, man trouble. Dora's infatuation with Nick was common knowledge by now, somehow such gossip filtered through the servants' quarters to make its way to the master of the house, in this case via a certain stable hand, whereas he used to hear it from Simon or Fanny. Come to think of it, that was only the last year or so, before that he hadn't known and he hadn't cared.

'He certainly does. We'll be there in time, don't worry. You both look very beautiful. I'm afraid Fielding and I can no longer compete with the other gentlemen, though, especially Manners' younger brother looked ravishing. And they smelled so nice, whereas a little bird told me several times that I tend to smell vaguely of horse. Do you suppose I need a new valet?'

Georgie knew he was joking and so did Elizabeth, but she took his arm and walked towards the carriage with him.

'That would only feed your vanity, my love, you're handsome enough for two, and you know it. You have to let the other men have their moments, too, they are the grooms today, you know, all of them, it wouldn't do to outshine them. But Dora did get a little shock seeing the younger Manners brother. He will need every advantage he can get, can you imagine what it must be like to see the woman you love marry another man?'

Fielding obviously could, he'd been in a similar situation, but he would not have stood by to watch, he would have yielded and fled to the continent. That hadn't been a matter of courage but of principle and propriety, though Fielding wasn't a fighter he was brave enough. Fowler was more obviously a brave man, with his fighting skills and his brawn, he would watch his beloved marry another but only because he could forgive himself for sleeping with another man's wife. He had been doing it for years and years, after all. But never before with the husband's consent, at least, not as far as Darcy could imagine.

'I have had my moments of jealousy, as you well know. But always without reason. All right, I admit Fowler will probably suffer somewhat, but you have to admit he gains much more. Anne is not only his superior in fortune, birth and education, but also in looks.'

'But not in devotion, Fitzwilliam,' Georgie observed shrewdly. 'Can you imagine what it must be like to be loved unconditionally by a man who has been chased by women for at least ten years?'

'I know what it is like to be that man, although I never let myself be caught. But you are right, after what Anne has been through she'd be looking for true affection, not for status. Besides, she'll have that, too. And rightfully so, she deserves it. I admit they have a very good chance of pulling this off, and I admit Fowler has reason to feel in need of some dressing up to pull through the coming hours.'

And with Bob keeping the horses at a steady trot, they reached the church in less than five minutes, Manners' carriage already there, of course, and no others, not even uncle Spencer's. This was going to be the most private wedding Darcy had ever attended, and there was not going to be a party afterwards.

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