Chapter 135

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Finally, Elizabeth could imagine what Eric must have felt like at almost every concert. The prince's friends were all gathered around her in mindless adulation. They who had looked like reasonably sensible men from a distance, while they were enjoying superior music, turned out to be empty-headed, vain, and hopelessly enamoured of their master. He wasn't even their master, they were all high-ranking nobles in their own right, but they didn't seem to have a mind of their own anyway. It was annoying and very tiresome to be admired not for some superior quality, but because someone else showed an interest. Which was similar to what Eric experienced, though his admirers probably liked his looks, too. Elizabeth was well aware that neither of these men would have even looked at her twice if she hadn't been reasonably pretty herself.

Although the prince did seem to be the type to look further than the outside, Mrs Fitzherbert was not hideous but she was not an outstanding beauty, not at her age, nor could she have been even when younger. A person's nose didn't change much with age after all and she had a sizeable one. None of her features were coarse or graceless, but neither could they ever have been truly refined. Her eyes were heavily lidded, and age had not been kind to her skin, which was very light and seemed to have wrinkled more than say Mrs Annesley's, who was of a similar age, in her early forties.

Oh well, it was clear enough these gentlemen tried to please Elizabeth because they thought she was in their adored prince's good graces, having caught his attention so quickly and so totally. For he was trying to make eye-contact with Elizabeth even now, while he was undoubtedly discussing Eric's romantic music, a much more interesting subject of conversation than what Elizabeth and himself had been talking about. He seemed to want to include her in their lively discussion, but that would bring his whole entourage down on Eric and Georgiana, who might not appreciate being groomed by men of influence right before they'd have to face another hall filled with admirers. Let them talk to the prince in peace, while Elizabeth entertained a gaggle of gentlemen, like she'd seen Mrs Kemble do so skilfully in Newcastle.

It was much better not to have the prince paying attention to her, it would make Fitzwilliam jealous as well as Mrs Fitzherbert. Just like Nick Fowler feared Fitzwilliam because he had power over ordinary servants, so Elizabeth instinctively felt it was better not to be noticed by someone so much more powerful than her husband as the heir to the British throne. Despite liking the Prince, he seemed the kind of person she could get along with really well, he was kind, intelligent and even learned, she preferred to let their acquaintance end here. The guzzling of wine going on around her and in which he participated reminded her of the stories surrounding Frederick's clique. Nice enough at first glance, but who knew what was going on behind the scenes?

'Mrs Darcy, would you like another glass of wine?' one of the younger men asked. He had been one of those completely taken by the music, she couldn't help that influencing her opinion of him for the better.

'Thank you for your offer, Lord Every,' she replied as a matron to a youngster, when he must be about her own age, 'this is excellent wine, but isn't it a lot stronger than common vintages?'

At least three of the older men took turns telling her how Madeira wine was made on the far-away island, how it was aged, and how it acquired its sweetness and high percentage of alcohol. She still hadn't answered the young Lord's question, though, and she dared not be rude and refuse his offer altogether, but she could not let herself become intoxicated either, that would be very dangerous to her reputation and possibly even her virtue.

'I always drink my wine well-watered, but I would not desecrate Madeira wine that way. Therefore I will beg you to give me just the wine, one third of a glass instead of a full?'

He was young enough to comply, and she would make it last until they were ready to leave, which could not be long. Mrs Fitzherbert was keeping an eye on her watch, Elizabeth had seen her check it regularly. She could not want Elizabeth to linger, nor did Elizabeth want to do anything else with the Prince besides taking leave of him very politely. Too bad he had such a reputation for being a philanderer, or she could have enjoyed talking to him.

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