Chapter 98

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Frederick's carriage stops in front of Darcy's house, where the thoroughbreds are already chafing at the bit. Brave Bob's on the box, with a very pretty girl. Elizabeth's maid? Poor thing, to be sitting there in the cold, except she seems rather pleased. And proud. Yes, proud.

'Is that beauty in love with the homely driver?' she asks her companion, possibly fiancée. He grins.

'You've never even seen her before, have you?'

'No, but she's proud to be freezing to death up there in the cold. And he is reputed to be the best driver in town, no, in the country. He is about to prove it to her, with everyone gaping at those magnificent horses, not even his master can control them but he can, her man can.'

'I wish I could go and tell Simon right now, he'll be impressed. He's not going along with them, they want to be alone. Oh, by the way, they know, Darcy and Elizabeth, Georgiana and Eric. No-one else does. I'm not going to tell them about you until you've decided. Just Simon, I owe him that, he has to approve, of course. With the master and mistress away, we'll sit in Eric's apartment a lot, Simon agrees to join us there whilst he refuses to sit in the drawing-room. It's painful sometimes, but of course you understand, at least a little.'

Anne does. They have reached the carriage, Darcy and Elizabeth are surprised to see her but pleased.

'You've come to see us off, that's so kind!' Darcy says heartily. 'If you're a good girl while we're away, we'll bring you a present. What would you like, a fancy silver spoon to stir your coffee with?'

'Sure,' Anne replies cheekily, 'but how will you know whether I've been good?'

'We'll ask Manners,' Darcy retorts, kissing both her cheeks.

Anne shrugs like a teenager. 'Suits me. Bye now, enjoy yourselves! Do nothing you wouldn't do at home!'

Elizabeth kisses her, too. 'I'm afraid Frederick is already planning some bad things for you to do. Look at him!'

He does look like a cat in the cream. Which only proves Elizabeth is as astute as Anne is, no surprise there. It'll be fun to really get to know her, in three weeks' time.

Georgiana and Mr Fielding come running to say goodbye, the household is represented by the housekeeper, the butler and yes, handsome Simon. Anne hopes he will find her acceptable, maybe they can become friends. Nick likes him. Anne imagines Nick stroking her and feels herself blush. That will not do, even if Simon approves of her she will still need to overcome the shame. She wants to see Nick, but they'll undoubtedly ask her inside. Goodbyes said, Brave Bob sets the horses in motion and they all wave. Even in town those horses are incredibly fast. When the carriage is out of sight, Georgiana whoops and falls on Anne's neck.

'Freedom! Let's have coffee in the boudoir, with the sweetest, creamiest pie we have in the house. You coming, Anne?'

She seems to be developing a sweet tooth, so she nods eagerly and replies, 'I'm in. I don't know what a boudoir is, but I'm hungry.' Nick is probably sleeping, and if not, he'll be extra pleased to see her just before lunch, or maybe later.

'What's up with your cousin, Fitzwilliam?' Elizabeth cannot help but ask her beloved. Such a change in so little time, it's almost unnatural. A week ago Anne was still shy and half in love with Fitzwilliam, and now she's pert towards him, and if Elizabeth is any judge of character, romantically indifferent.

'She's too lively, you know, and Frederick has that look, the conniving one. I still don't trust him altogether, a cat doesn't change his colours overnight, though I'm convinced he thinks he is making a serious effort.'

'Maybe she is in love,' Fitzwilliam offers. 'The flushed cheeks, the excitement?'

'Not with Frederick she isn't.' Elizabeth is sure Anne is not in love with him, but those two do share some secret.

Revelations  an adaption of Pride and PrejudiceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat