Chapter 40

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Even at a walk they arrive at Netherfield before the snow starts to fall, where Bob takes their horses, his plain face showing he is glad to be part of a team of stable-hands once more.

'Thank you so much, ma'am, for inquiring after me. The other guys are just stunned that Fanny accepted me, she gets so much respect being your maid, ma'am, they just cannot believe a girl like that'd marry a mere driver. I suppose I look like one of them peacocks for being so proud!

It's amazing how his staff have taken to Elizabeth, and Darcy cannot help feeling a certain relief at Mrs Annesley's superb choice of promoting Fanny to Elizabeth's maid. Fanny must be pressed by all the other servants to reveal details of Mrs Darcy's private habits, and some of those servants are very shrewd.

When all the staff start to avoid Darcy's eye, then gloat in passing, he will know they've cracked her.

But she has Simon to help her, and if Darcy's not mistaken, a very strong will of her own. And besides, what else is there to gossip about than a lot of loving going on between Mr and Mrs Darcy? They can all see that for themselves!

Of course they retreat to their own room to clean up a little and dress, and waiting by the door, Simon merely asks, 'Will you ring when you are ready to dress?'

Darcy nods, and Simon leaves.

This time, Darcy has cleaned up before they ring for their attendants, and Simon does not complain. Fanny makes another combination of country chic and a lovely new necklace for Elizabeth, how many of those did they find? This one is very intricate, it looks like real gold, feels like it, too, it's really heavy and very ornate.

Figurines of what seem to be Greek dancers demonstrate poses of more than common agility. Elizabeth studies it in the mirror, and says, 'I'm young and not exactly stiff, but I couldn't perform half of those, even if they weren't rather unsuitable for company.'

Before they can go downstairs, there is a knock on their door, and Georgiana comes in. Darcy can hardly believe that this is his baby sister, she is wearing another one of the new dresses and turban-style hats, and she is all woman.

Then she falls on the bed without the slightest regard for her ensemble, and addresses Fanny, apparently expecting some kind of great joke.

'Now tell my brother and sister about the gossip in the other part of the house, Fanny, it'll crack them up.'

Fanny looks really embarrassed, apparently gossiping to the master and mistress is a different thing than to the young miss. But with another encouraging look from Georgiana, Fanny wrings her hands and starts to speak.

'According to Mrs Hurst, you must have put a spell on the master, for her own husband fell for it, too, last night.

Her maid tried to get information from me, where you got the necklace, whether you always took so long changing after a ride, whether it was true you had the first maid of Mr Darcy's town-house dismissed because she looked at you in the wrong way. How could she know you dismissed Janine, ma'am?'

Not waiting for an answer, she probably realises they don't know either, she continues.

'And then she asked even more intimate things, which made me blush to hear, and which I will not repeat to you since that would be unbearably rude. I merely pretended to be shocked beyond speech, which in fact I was. Why would I tell such things to her? And how would I even know them? I'd have to spy on you to find out some of them, do other maids watch their mistresses all the time?'

'But that is not the good bit,' Georgiana says, 'it's merely a reason to check the doors carefully before you do anything intimate, and maybe cover a few knotholes here and there.

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