Chapter 56

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And here Darcy thought they had already had the making up, and decided it was not worth the pain of moments before, but he was thoroughly mistaken.

For Elizabeth takes a firm hold of his cravat and leads him to their bedroom, where she pushes him over on the bed and starts to undress him. His weird mood, totally ruined by their quarrel, is very willing to return, it hasn't been satisfied yet.

When he tries to unbutton her dress, she actually slaps his fingers!

'Not yet, Mr Darcy, you haven't earned that yet. You've been very bad tonight, and you need to prove you can behave first, by staying perfectly still while I test your devotion to me, and me alone.

Remember, I decide who gets to beg me for anything, not you!'

With a sigh of contentment, Darcy gives himself up to the most beautiful, smartest and most loving woman in all of England.

When he is totally naked, he feels a little vulnerable with his love still entirely dressed, and sitting on top of him, kneading his bare flesh, giving him little bites here and there, stroking his most sensitive places eagerly and not at all carefully.

Since he is rather ticklish, it's not easy at all to stay perfectly still, and every time he so much as twitches, she rebukes him with a sharp word or a slap or a nip.

When she has stroked and kissed every part of him, she admonishes him to stay put, and does something beside the bed, he cannot see for he dares not move his head.

Soon, she's back, still dressed, and she straddles him, he still finds that so incredibly tantalizing, and she's sitting right on top of his manhood, but she said he must keep still, so he keeps still.

Actually is it very pleasant to just let her decide everything, and all the tension of their fight, and the tension that led to it, drain away out of his body, leaving him totally relaxed and very heated, but still obedient. Taking his release is unthinkable, it's his fate to await patiently what his beloved orders him to do.

Feeling him relax under her, his beloved seems satisfied, and she turns around and takes a firm hold of his manhood and takes all of it in her mouth, sucking it with relish, stroking his testicles gently at the same time.

The feeling is overwhelming, he is rarely as bonelessly relaxed as now, and the bliss hits him so much harder in this state. He can barely suppress a moan, and keep himself from fondling her behind, still covered with her beautiful dress.

'That is so good of you, you're very well-behaved, Mr Darcy, I expected you to make a noise or try to touch me, but you've proven you can control yourself after all.'

And she licks and sucks his member once again, another wave of lust washing over him, making it ever harder to control himself.

Then, with a flick, she lifts up the skirt of her dress, and she's totally naked beneath!

Of course he wants to stroke those creamy thighs, her silky buttocks, and most of all, the tempting intimate parts of her, presenting themselves to him at their most stimulating. How he longs to touch those, open them up to expose their very centre, the soft moist flesh that begs him to taste it, to lick it until she squeals in abandonment.

But he dare not, she'd surely punish him if he did, she'd slap him, or worse, she'd forbid him to touch it. Better wait a bit longer for permission.

Her hands and mouth stop their ministrations for a few seconds, and she looks over her shoulder at him.

'Very good, you're so obedient tonight! I've teased you, plagued you and tantalized you, and still you didn't move a muscle. I'm so proud of you!

You may take your reward, you must be raging on the inside.'

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