Chapter 124

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Before long they reach the church, an impressive gothic building with high stained-glass windows, such good fortune it is within a reasonable distance from their house. As she expected, there are quite a few curious reporters present, of several different London newspapers as far as she can tell, excellent, since they are planning to tell all of them about the French dresses from Cheapside. But besides the well-know personages they have all come to recognise as reporters there is also a crowd of less-than-elegantly-dressed spectators she did not count on showing up. Eric's fans! And there are so many of them, there must be a hundred at least, keeping a respectable distance from the cocky reporters.

'Right, Georgiana, Eric, if you'll just let me handle this, Anne and I will have the two of you inside that church in no time. I suppose Darcy and Elizabeth are already here, you won't catch Darcy using his slow team to what we already knew would turn out a public occasion.'

Well, he might have known, but Georgiana certainly didn't expect normal people to show up. Fortunately, Anne does not object at all to being used as a battering ram to get her cousin and her fiancée through the crowd, which has surged towards the road with the arrival of a new carriage. In fact, Anne seems to look forward to being in league with her own fiancée for the first time after their engagement, officially one might say.

The carriage halts and the throng of people gathers around to see who is arriving. Fitzwilliam is not in sight, he'd top this crowd by at least half a head, they must have indeed gone inside straight away.

'Are you ready for action, Anne? And you, happy couple?'

They all nod, and Manners signals his man to open the door, Georgiana almost afraid the crowd will surge into the carriage. But she has forgotten about Frederick's authority, the admiring crowd makes way for the new arrivals, or maybe they already know the bride and groom have arrived. The funny thing is, among the rather shabby admirers are also some shipshape characters, and Georgiana thinks she recognises Mme Beaution, the fashion specialist of their own paper. She must feel quite out of place, vying for a spot among commoners when she is usually almost a guest of honour, but that just cannot be helped at a private wedding.

Frederick exits the carriage and hands out Anne, then leads her past the rows of people arm in arm. He loves this parading, but to Georgiana and Eric it is more like running the gauntlet. Still, it has to be done, and Eric is the perfect gentleman and offers Georgiana his own hand. They follow Frederick on his heels, striding instead of merely walking, very much aware how their appearance is scrutinized by everyone present. For the first time ever, Georgiana longs for Pemberley, she used to find it boring but it will be such a blessing to be free of scrutiny for a few months, free to do whatever pleases them in total privacy.

'Mr Manners!'

Mme Beaution knows who handles their publicity and indeed, Frederick stops for a moment to address her. 'There will be a few moments for you to inquire after Mrs Fielding's dress, after the ceremony. Please be patient and make sure to come, I promise it will be worth the wait.'

She nods and he walks on, almost possessive towards Anne, who clearly loves the attention.

The fashionable lady has set an example, and now several people call out inquiries and best wishes, but Frederick does not stop again. Soon they reach the entrance of the church, where Hugo and Nick Fowler, of all people, are keeping watch. Georgiana is annoyed she didn't think of hiring a couple of guards herself, and hopes Hugo didn't have to leave the horses where they may come to harm. She expected a few reporters but not a throng of other people, how fortunate Miss Sophie never goes anywhere without her sturdy retainer. Anne greets him kindly but doesn't show any sign of attachment towards him, not even to someone looking for it. Hugo winks at Georgiana, and Frederick spends a few moments greeting the two men, exchanging a few words with Fowler. Georgiana makes sure to thank both of them, they are covering for her lack of planning after all.

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