Chapter 66

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But Eric's plans to retreat for some serious contemplation come to nothing, for Georgiana is eagerly awaiting his arrival, Kitty by her side. Will Georgiana agree to enter a marriage of convenience? She is still so young, and independently wealthy, she can wait to meet a suitable gentleman who can love her.

'Would your brother mind very much if we hunt your attic for an old harpsichord? I know how to tune one, know how to play one, too. We can make a start on the Bach, it'll be great fun for you to learn, it's very different from playing the piano.'

That will certainly keep him from too much thinking.

'Sure, we used to play in the attic all the time when we were younger, in the holidays, when Fitzwilliam was home from school. But I guess anything stored out there will be really old, too old maybe to be of any value. Shouldn't we first check the rooms filled with clutter, stored after the attic was filled up? Fanny and Simon found a lot of useful stuff in there, but they don't care about instruments, they were looking for accessories to go with our new dresses.'

Without letting anyone know where they are going, Georgiana skips up the stairs, Kitty following. Eric is deep in thought again.

If Manners wasn't so convinced Georgiana loves Eric, he would doubt again. She really treats him as her brother, which is very pleasant at this moment, for it saves him embarrassment and spares his nerves. But of course Kitty's here, and it's as if Georgiana has decided to be as much of an adolescent girl as she can whenever she's in company with Kitty, which at this very moment is all for the best.

'What's up with you, Mr Fielding?'

Georgiana's coming to get him, her voice sounds exuberant, she's so happy to see him! Doesn't she see there is nothing but heartbreak in store for them?

She's really close now, Kitty waiting for them at the top of the stairs.

'You look so sad, Eric, I would have expected you to be excited about the concert tomorrow. I can't imagine Mr Manners having airs towards you either. Whatever can be the matter?'

Of course she knows they can't talk about it here, on the stairs to the top floor, Kitty waiting for them.

'I'll just have to cheer you up then, come on, let's go on a treasure hunt and get horribly dusty.'

Suddenly she realises something.

'Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't even give you the chance to change from your travelling clothes and freshen up a little.'

Her face is sad now, apparently she really values being well-mannered, but she truly cannot fault herself for this expedition. He sends her his sweetest smile, he can't help it, she's so incredibly cute looking like this.

'You cannot help it, Georgiana, it was my idea to go hunting for a harpsichord, remember?'

Oh, she loves him all right, his smile causes her to blush fiery red, and she actually takes his hand, looking as if she is going to kiss him again, but not a mere brush this time. But she controls herself and observes airily, 'You're right, of course, it was your idea. I always feel so guilty about forgetting some etiquette or other, I had governess after governess trying to teach me some manners. Mrs Annesley was the worst, she always wanted me to sit with the ladies and talk. I like her much better now she's no longer bossing me around.


And she pulls him up the stairs by his hand, laughing again, her hand stronger than it looks, like his own, playing the piano all day has that effect.

'Do we start with the oldest stuff in the attic? Or do we start with the youngest stuff, that's mostly gathered in several rooms up here, you'll remember the one where we tuned the old piano. We can skip that room, of course.'

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