Chapter 2

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Once dressed, he sits down at his desk and starts to write, still unable to comprehend how he went out to give the woman of his dreams what he thought she wanted, and got a blunt rejection and a lot of reproofs in return. No need to study for words of four syllables now, finding the right tone is paramount, and the amount of information he wants to let Miss Elizabeth Bennet in on.

Does he trust her with all the particulars? Better start to make his objectives clear, she might think he wants to beg her for her hand once more, that would be humiliating into the extreme. If he thought it would have any effect, he would, but he knows it is no use, she'd only despise him more.

When his intentions are described to perfection, he starts with her sister, put George Wickham off a little longer. Suppose her sister did really love Bingley, then Miss Elizabeth has good reason to hate him. Bingley too, he's still not over Miss Bennet, his friend is doing his best to hide it, but it's no use at all, Darcy can read him like a book.

Seen from their point of view, it was a despicable thing to do, but that is the trouble with those people who let feelings run their lives, they hardly ever gain anything, what have his feelings brought him but anxiety and pain? Better go back to reason and safety, let his wishes go, be at peace again.

He is progressing nicely now, trying not to humiliate himself too much, but admit to his wrongs where he sees them. As he writes, his mind calms down even more, it is good to be able to explain, and he sincerely hopes she will believe him and be wary around Wickham.

An hour sees the letter finished, and himself determined to deliver it to her in person. It will be very difficult, she has blighted his hopes, she has him under her foot, crushed, but he will face her to exonerate himself, she may still hate him, but not for things he didn't do. Gathering his dignity and avoiding his aunt, he walks into the little park in the hope of meeting Miss Elizabeth there on her morning walk.

The park is very pretty this early in spring, he can understand what draws her to it, her love for solitary walks has always intrigued him, such an independent spirit, to not depend on a companion, not even a horse, just herself and nature. Such a strong character she has, and still she is so attached to her family.

He was so looking forward to seeing those lovely eyes gaze at him, mirroring the love he felt inside, still feels in every fibre of his being. No. That is not the right way to handle this, she does not love him, she will not love him, he needs to be collected and calm, he can't face her with love in his eyes, and in his face, she'll not only hate him, but despise him for his weakness. Just be polite, and allow himself to indulge in his feelings a little afterwards.

But first things first.

There she comes, now be strong. She is late, but at least she's here now. Miss Elizabeth has seen him and turns away instantly, that's positively hurtful, but he needs to hand her the letter, so he calls out her name. As she turns back and comes closer, Darcy's throat closes and he cannot breathe, she's so lovely, and not triumphant at all, but rather as nervous as he is, at least she is not gloating at having been able to hurt him so badly. He would really have hated that.

With an effort he finds his voice again, a strange, constricted voice, very much affected by his feelings, with which he pleads her to read his letter to do him justice, and hands it to her. Then he takes one last good look at her, and walks back to the house, trying to hide his feelings by walking as upright as ever.

So that was it. The last time he ever saw Miss Elizabeth Bennet, who took away his tranquillity for five months, set his heart afire, had him ready to throw off his family-honour, then trampled his heart and hurt his pride. It will be another six months to forget her, and then life will move on.

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