Cheap shot

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It's a funny thing when you look into it, some people craved it, others hated it and some people lived in it.  There were days I loved to sit in silence just to allow my body to have a break, for my mind to catch up on everything that was around me, to reflect.

But now? Now I hated it.

I was sat against the headboard of the bed, my knees against my chest as I looked at Zak sat at the bottom of the bed.

Since coming back from Joe's, we hadn't spoke. He refused to acknowledge any existence of me, and right now I was a stray hair from losing my shit. Not to mention one of his hands was bloody. His more dominate hand in, well everything.

"Zak." I whispered making him lift his head up and sigh. He didn't turn, he didn't speak.

"What have you done?"


"Please don't ignore me.. I can't stand it."

My mind was running a 1000 thoughts a minute, like why Joe even attempted it. Why Zak wasn't speaking? Did he believe Joe?  What happened when I left? Did they fight? Did they speak? Did Zak threaten him? Why was he shaking so much? Why was his hand bloody? Why wasn't he speaking to me?!!

"SPEAK TO ME!" I shouted. My voice echoed through the bedroom with a click of his neck, Zak rose from the foot of the bed and turned to me.

"Do you love him?"

That was it. 4 words. 4 words in over 3

"N-no! No I don't."

"Because if you do then I can't have you here. You understand that?"

I cracked. My emotions spilled over at the mere idea of me being without him, tears flooded my eyes as I moved from my position and crawled across the bed to sit in front of him. "I don't, I don't you have to believe me. I didn't kiss him, Zak please.. You know I love you. Plea-"

"Do you understand?" He asked.

"Yes, but my answer is still no. No I don't love him, nothing more than a friend, I can't. I wouldn't."

My eyes moved away from his face as he stared down at me hard. "It hurts.." I whispered rubbing my chest. "The idea of being without you hurts. I don't know what you saw but he grabbed my face and I should have moved sooner but I was in shock. I wouldn't do that to you, I wouldn't.."

My eyes went from his hand to his face and back. "Zak what did you do?"

"Do you care about him?"

"I do.." I whispered ashamed, after everything Joe has done, the idea of him being hurt upsets me.

"More than me?"

I shook my head vehemently "No. Never."

"Promise me.."

I grabbed hold of his hand as a cry choked my throat. "I promise, I swear, on my life. You have to believe me, please. I don't just love you Zak, I'm in love with you.  Madly, deeply, I- I don't think I can function without you." I admitted.

His bloody hand flexed slowly as I watched his storm filled eyes cloud over. "I need to clean up..."

"I'll help you? Yeah? Sit. Sit down. I want to-"

"Haven..." He spoke.

"No! No please!" I begged. "Let me hell you."

Sighing he nodded, without wasting a second, I scrambled off the bed and grabbed the first aid box and a wet face cloth. My legs couldn't take me any faster as my mind rushed around. Falling to me knees in front of him I opened up the first aid kit and got to work.

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