The white crescent moon

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"Hey Joe, it's me." I sighed leaning against the patio doors to the rental home Zak had hired out. "I guess you're in the shower or at the gym. Just wanted to let you know I arrived safely in New Mexico. We are staying in a rental home, place is pretty sick.. I rang you cause I uh- I... On the way we stopped in a gas station, and I saw..." I paused taking a breath not really believing the incident myself, it sounded like it was from a horror film. And that's what made me decide not to tell him. "You know what, it doesn't matter. I was just ringing to check in with you and to say I miss your ugly face... Kinda. Make sure you take your keys out with you. See you soon. Bye."

I hung up the phone and turned to head back to my room when I spotted Zak stood in the doorway to the lounge. "You alright?"

I nodded "Just a little headachy."

His eyes narrowed suspiciously "And that is all?"

"Yep. Just a little headache." I answered heading towards him. As I tried to slip past, he took hold of my forearm making me stop in my tracks.

My eyes looked from his arm up to his face where he was staring down at me with his ice blue and grey contrasting eyes. "You need to tell me if anything happens whilst we are away."

"Like what?" I questioned playing dumb.

"You know what.. What did you see in that bathroom?"

"You taking a leak in the ladies, do you always do that?" I asked him.

He closed his eyes trying to suppress his irritation "What else and yes sometimes I do."

"It was something and nothing, please let go of my arm." I replied pulling on it slightly, but his cemented grip stayed. "Zak let go."

"I need to know you're safe."

"I'm fine."

"Then what did you see?" He pushed again.

"It was nothing important now let go."


"GET OFF!" I bellowed pulling his hand off my arm harshly.

We stood there in silence staring at each other, my chest heaving in anger and his face slowly studying my movements.

"When I ask. You let go." I added stalking away as I began to shake. Getting inside my room, I slammed the door holding my head before making my way over to the bed.

Sleep, I'll just sleep it off and it will all go away, everything will go back to nor-

My door flew open and rebounded off the piece of furniture behind it. "What the fuck was that?!" Zak snapped striding across my room and grabbing my chin. His eyes began inspecting my face causing me to squirm in his grip.

"Get off me. Get o-"

"Shut up. How long have you had this headache? What happened at the museum?"

"I don't know. I can't remember." I mumbled.

"Well think Haven!" He snapped twisting my face to the side.

"What are you looking for?" I asked as he pushed my head the opposite way.

"I'm making sure your face isn't contorting, demonic possessions can do that."

My blood went cold.

"What? What have I said?" He asked.

"Am I getting possessed?"

He frowned letting go of my chin in order to take my hand as he sat down. "No.. No I- Probably not."

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