Cutting losses

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Michael smiled as the door to the small interview room opened. The room is usually used to separate inmates whilst they speak with their lawyers. But since coming from death row, he found that he didn't need time with his defence lawyer anymore and the sole purpose of this room was to meet the infamous Miss Haven Lockerby.

He smiled to himself as he now knew the angelic face had a proper name..

Her brunette hair was pulled into a pony tail, whilst small wisps hug around the back of her neck. The pieces too short to pull up but long enough to hold a slight curl.

Michael held himself still as she looked at the two officers as she dropped her folder down. "Thank you." She smiled as they exited the room silently.

"Good morning Andrews, how-" she paused as Michael lifted his hand up to stop her.

"Michael." He responded.

He was amused  seeing the annoyance on her face as she shifted in her seat at his correction "Michael.. So now you have your sentencing.. Are you going to talk to me?"

Michael cocked his head to the side to inspect her features, how the light contoured her face. The small hints of an active life from the glow of her skin.

"Still plan on the whole act of silence?" She asked clicking her pen.

Michael sat back placing his hands under the table as she shook her head and delved into the file.

"I can't work you out.. I really can't. Abused little boy turned into a scared man. Or a vigilante?" She asked herself looking up with a full set of lashes. "You had an extensive record but nothing of this seriousness. Not until you felt threatened. So I'm going to go with scared, little boy lashing out."

His jaw tightened at her mocking tone before he took a deep breath and released it slowly showing his calmness.

"I met your lawyer." She spoke causing Michael to tense, his eyes narrowed suspiciously as she informed him of how they met at a charity event. "Your lawyer, Iain. Nice guy I just say. Poker... Not so good. He does talk a bit though, you know when the drinks start to flow."

Michael's mind began to rage at the idea of Iain's lose lips when it came to personal matters.

"Yeah he was quiet informative actually-"

"Then why do you want me to talk?!" Michael spat.

Havens eyebrow twitched in amusement for having found a weak spot in his armour.

"I like to collect from the source.." She replied simply.

"How did you get my sentencing date?" He pressed.

"I have my ways. As do you..." Haven sat forward slowly to meet his stare. "Now I haven't mentioned to Harris about my ID tag being stolen. Simply lost. But the more I think about your actions, the more I realise you had an ulterior motive.. You've got the ID Tag, I know that. My question is why did you want it so bad, that you risked getting beaten black and blue for it?"

Michael swallowed sitting back hastily in his seat. His eyes glowering with anger at her attitude, he preferred her like a timid kitten. Scared of the slightest noise.  "I don't know what you're talking about."

She smiled pushing the pen between her lips before flicking through the file and stopping at a photograph. The image was in a poor quality, grainy and  slightly pixilated but still viewable.

"Is it because I look like her?" She asked holding it up.

The sound of air being pushed from the finger joints popped into the air as Michael clenched his fists out of sight.

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