Alpha & Omega

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The light humming of Tina caused me to look up from the college work before me. "Can I help?" I asked trying to soften the annoyance in my voice.

"What's the deal with you and Hot stuff?" She asked lightly flicking the duster around with minimal effort. Her black bob was sleek, not a single strand out of place compared to my unruly mess.

My teeth ground together as she waited for my answer. "Nothing. Why?"

"Awful lot of stuff packed into that bedroom for a flying visit, Haven.."

"You've been in my room?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Your room? Oh now I am all ears. Don't be offended, I need to clean. It's my job after all." She replied.

"Oh so being a nosey bitch isn't?" I asked causing her duster to stop.

"I'm sorry?"

"Just stay out of that room. I'm capable of cleaning it and what is happening  has nothing to do with you." I answered pushing the dining chair back and collecting my work up.

Her red painted lips pulled back in a smile "You're threatened by me.. Aren't you?" She asked prowling over.

"Save the mind games, it's really boring. Stay out of the room or-"

"Or what? You'll tell Zak? What's he going to do? I'm the cleaner." She smiled. I narrowed my eyes at her as she brushed her hand across my cheek. "Such young skin.. Be an awful shame for it to be damaged."

"A-are you threatening me?"

Tina cackled "Honey. You'd know about it if I was. Just making sure we are on the same page when it comes to Hot Rod in the other room."

I looked towards the door, I guessed Hot Rod was Zak's new nickname..

"I- I don't-"

"You'll be his assistant and you'll also keep your distance. Pawing each other like a pair of teenagers makes me fucking sick. He's a grown man, you're a child."

"I'm 27-"

"I don't give a fuck." She whispered. "He needs someone who's got class, style and some serious taste. All of which you haven't got judging from those clothes in that cubby hole you're sleeping in. You can't and wouldn't be able to handle a man like him... So why try?"

"I really don't understand what you're going on about. There is nothing going on, I'm his assistant.."

"For now. Yes. You see the difference between us is I'm an alpha. You're... you're a runt. An eagle to a field mouse. I would devour you and spit you out Haven.."

I frowned at her explanation "Have you been sniffing bath salts?"

"Listen!" She hissed her eyes flaring in anger as she held up a red painted nail at me. "He is mine and I get what I want honey. Two Alphas and you're an Omega. You're nothing to him, apart from a little play toy. Now stick to your weird little books and drawings along with those nerdy glasses and frizzy hair. And let the real adults play."

"Substance abuse is a serious issue.."

Her hand slapped against my face as she grabbed my chin roughly. "I will not warn you again. He, is mine."

I pulled her hand off my face "Yeah, you made it clear. Now back off, or I'll snap the broomstick you came in on."

She cackled again, fitting considering that I had just called her a witch.

"This has been fun. We should chat again." She winked before turning on her heels and clipping out the room.

As soon as the door closed, I sighed with relief. Grabbing the last few leaves of my college work, I carried it out the dining room quickly heading straight for my room. I mentally kicked myself on the way, considering a few years ago I would have wiped the floor with her stupid sleek hair and manicured nails. But since...

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