The unlikely wager

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I walked my fingers along the edge of the roulette table, absentmindedly wondering when I could make the excuse of going home. But every time I built the courage, it fell again as I knew I was being selfish and childish for wanting to go. I also knew Zak was enjoying himself and I couldn't work out if that's the reason I was so annoyed.

A large hand captured my fingers and brought the back of my hand to a set of lips.

"You are a vision.. May I ask your name?" The smooth talker questioned.

His emerald green eyes twinkled in the low lights, his tousled brown hair was pushed back in what looked to be a styled manner.

"Depends.. Who wants to know?" I asked playfully.

"My name is Iain."

"What do you do for a living Iain?" I asked removing my hand from his subtly.

"I own a legal firm. A quant team of top lawyers." He responded.

"A quant team Huh?"

"Absolutely. Now please do tell me who I am speaking with?"

Seeing that he wasn't going to be trouble, I decided to disclose my name. "Haven.. The name is Haven."

He gasped gently "Haven.. Yes that name suits such an attractive woman."

I blushed "Thank you, Iain."

"But tell me, why is such a fine woman like yourself alone? Did you bring a date? A partner maybe?" He asked looking around quickly before fixing his eyes back to me.

I looked over Iain's shoulder to see Zak in talks with a few women. Yes I was getting jealous, no I would not tell him that.

"He is around." I replied looking at the table to stop the intense feeling of Iain's gaze.

"Do you play?" He asked motioning to the roulette table.

I shook my head "I don't know how to."

A smile spread across his face "All the more reason for me to teach you. Sit."

"No, no I won't trouble you into showing me. But I'll watch, if that's okay?"

Iain nodded "Of course. Sit."

I sat beside him giving him a friendly smile as the game got underway. I never understood casino games, but just watching them always fascinated me beyond measures. The sound of the ball clinking across the roulette table and the building atmosphere always had some appeal. But poker was where the real money was at, and that was a game I would never divulge in.

Iain shuffled into a comfortable position in his seat, as the ball bounced across the roulette table, he glanced at the woman beside him

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Iain shuffled into a comfortable position in his seat, as the ball bounced across the roulette table, he glanced at the woman beside him. Her eyes locked on the ball with fascination until it stopped. He would watch her reaction to know if he had won or not. However as he did, he was also taking her off his list..

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