New trust

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My lips tingled all the way home. In fact I had probably dusted my lips with my fingertips continuously still feeling the warmness of his against them.

I was unnerved. Seriously unnerved.

For his cold exterior and hardened looks he gave I guess a part in my mind presumed he was the Ice king. But how can the ice king have warm inviting lips? How can the Ice king have warm flesh that heated under my fingertips whilst we shared a kiss? It didn't make sense.

I chewed the inside of my lip in stress, trying to distract myself from the earlier assault on them. Trying to convince myself that what happened was in my mind. An imagination gone wild, starved with any emotional and physical attachment. Yes. That's what happened.

But the more I tried to convince myself that it didn't happen, the more I felt his hands, his lips, his stubble. A few seconds that turned my life inside out, because now I wanted to feel the same emotions and feeling I felt when I was with him again.

I wanted to be void of reality and be absorbed by those beautiful eyes....

Which is how I came to be stood in my apartment looking at Sarah who was wearing my favourite top.

"You don't mind do you? Joe said you wouldn't." She smiled.

"N-no of course not." I replied whilst trying to keep a cool smile.

I did mind.. I minded a lot.

Walking into the kitchen I found that my mug was placed on the side. It's handle broken off and simply placed inside.

It's just a mug.. it's just a top.

But it didn't stop.

As I passed my room, I found Sarah using my things. I went in the bathroom and found all my hair conditioner used up.

"Oh come on." I cried quietly tossing the bottle into the bin.

It's alright, it's just a $35 conditioner because your hair is so unruly and wild.. Obviously there's not at least another 4 different types of conditioner in the bathroom that they could of used other than your expensive one!

The apartment was a mess, cups, plates and mugs had been tossed into the sink, the washing was thrown around the basket in the bathroom instead of inside it, wet towels were on the bathroom floor, the TV was playing to itself and they all sat around as if it was completely normal.

"Fuck this place!" I snapped kicking the bin in anger sending some of the rubbish across the floor.

Joe appeared instantly looking shocked "Haven what the fuck? You could have woke up Lena!"

"I want my apartment clean! What is all this shit?!" I gestured.

"Okay, just calm down.."

"No I won't! I can't because this place is horrendous! We have a baby in this environment?!"

"Calm down!" He shouted back.

"Clean it up Joe! I'm not a maid!"

"No you're a control freak!"

I bit the inside of my cheek hard trying not to scream some obscenities at him. But then I saw my sorry looking mug. "I can't do this anymore.... Move." I spoke pushing past him and into my room.

If I could have broken my heart, I would have. I would have screamed and yelled until my heart gave out. Especially when I walked in to see half my wardrobe had been ransacked, my grey carpet supporting a black coffee stain, a cup mark embedded into my white bedside table and the unmistakeable smell of dirty diapers which were sat in the bin.

Catacomb HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon