Those three words

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Rolling onto my back in the bed, I sighed harshly. The clock beside me on the bedside table displayed 3.42am, shaking my head, I decided to get up.

It had been three days since I spoke to Zak, and in all honesty, I didn't know how this bid for silence even started. All I could remember was leaving the bathroom after a bath and finding he had taken off. Leaving me a text saying he was going to the museum.

He didn't return home until late and by then I was already asleep. That night he slept in the spare bedroom. Figuring he didn't want to share a bed, the following night and tonight, I decided to sleep in the spare room, giving him back his bed.

Did I forgive him? Did he really do anything wrong? The answer was yes and no. I forgave him but then he didn't do anything wrong, so now I was unsure on how to feel.

I spent most of my time catching up on work. Sorting Zak's diary and his office, organising lockdowns, going to and from the museum to drop of parcels that were delivered to the house, grocery shopping, Gracie's groomers appointment making her look absolutely gorgeous!! Walking her and cleaning the house. So sitting down and really speaking seemed to have taken a backseat.

Despite Zak leaving the laptop and a note telling me to watch the footage and come and find him when I was ready to stop acting like a little bitch.. His words. Guess he knows me well.

At first I was seething that he left me the note, my first words were 'How dare he?!' But by the time I sat down and considered the note, I realised I was being a little bitch about this. A whiny, spoilt bitch.

Kicking the bedding off my legs, I slipped out of bed and made my way downstairs to the master bedroom.

Pushing back the door, I stopped at the sight of Zak fast asleep on his front hugging my pillow. My attitude softened seeing his tired face, so I carefully removed my pillow from under his arm.

He stirred before settling again, smiling to myself, I took hold of my pillow and brought it down on his head... Hard.

Long legs flapped and kicked at the bedding as he yelled out in shock before he rolled off and out the bed hiding down beside it.

The sound of my laughing causing him to stick his head up. "Haven?" He questioned before reaching for his glasses and flicking on the light to see me. Seeing the pillow in my hand he assessed the scene before his eyes narrowed.

"Are you insane?! I thought I was being shot at!" He shouted making me burst into a fit of laughter again.

It took a few seconds but he began to laugh as well and got up off the ground. "You scared the life out of me." He spoke sitting down on the bed.

"I-I'm sorry. You looked too comfortable to leave." I replied as he rubbed his face.

"I gathered from the beating of a pillow. Think some brain cells have died though."

I sniggered before sitting down beside him. "You fully awake?"

He grunted.

"Good, cause I wanna tell you something?"

He looked over slightly frazzled from my morning wake up but nonetheless, he sat and waited.

"I'm sorry for kicking off like that. Well. Not really cause I thought you and Tina were.. Well you know." I trailed off.

"No, I really don't."

"I thought you and Tina were up to no good you know? Plus with the prison and my ca-"

"You thought I was cheating on you with Tina?!" He asked stunned.

I pushed my mouth to the side "Well you were in a towel.." His eyebrows had shot up as he shook his head. "What? You can't tell me you wouldn't have jumped to conclusions if I was in a towel and in an embrace with... Say Joe or Bacon?"

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