Behaviours of the opposite sex

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Outline a biological explanation of dysfunctional behav-


My eyes cut up from the paperwork before me to see Zak buttoning up his shirt.

"You look nice in a proper shirt." I said removing myself from the table.

"Oh, thanks. Well I have to thank someone else for the packing in my suitcase."

I smiled and reached for his face, removing his glasses. "I need them, I haven't got my contacts." He stated.

"Yeah, you will need them then. But without the 3 inches of dust on them, serious man how do you get them so dusty?" I asked pulling out the cloth in my glasses case to clean them properly.

He shrugged "I don't know, I'm going to blame it on the environment in which I work though."

I laughed "Sure, nothing to do with the laziness in you. Surprised you could see out."

"Well I did think it was a little dark outside." He chuckled as I moved onto the other lenses until both were free from any dirt or dust. Handing them back, he gasped.

"Woah, you're scary. Put the dust back on!" He cried making me squat him with my papers.

"What are you working on now?" He asked as I placed them into a plastic folder.

"Forensic, Health and clinical exam questions. Joe got me some mock papers to give me a rough idea of what to expect."

He nodded "Does it help?"

"Yeah, I think I'm gaining a lot from it." I smiled popping it down on the table happily.

Looking at Zak I awaited my first order but he looked around before looking at me with some concern. "What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Don't take this the wrong way.. And I'm not underestimating you here. I'm just concerned."

"Go on.."

"Is it absolutely necessary that you place yourself in the presence of a serial killer for this?" He asked nodding to the pack on the table.

"Yes." I answered instantly.

"How? It's dangerous, those kind of people, they aren't like normal people." He stressed.

"I know. Which is why I want to study them, something changed them, mentally, physically, emotionally. Something snapped inside to make them killers and it's my job to work out what. The purpose of the live case study is for experience, not all the clients I hope to one day interview are going to be dead, they are going to be sat opposite me across the table. In an orange jumpsuit."

He brows furrowed "I'm just not comfortable with you being put in that position."

"It sounds like you're underestimating my abilities..." I replied making his head shake in defiance.

"No, not at all."

"I'll be under supervision the whole time. It's part of the package."

"So someone will be sat with you?"

I shrugged "Probably not, most likely behind the two way glass observing my abilities to cross examine the person in front of me without being guided."

"It doesn't sound safe."

"Neither does crossing into a canyon where the natives refuse to go because they believe in skin walkers. But I have kept my lips sealed until now."

My answered took him back and he eventually dropped the subject of my live case study, but I could tell he wasn't finished...

If he just admitted that he killed a few people then maybe I could just study him in a nice safe environment.. As long as he was chained to a table so he couldn't choke me for telling me his crimes.

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