Yabba Dabba Doo

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It wasn't me.

But I got the message that Zak wanted me out of his hair, so I granted him the time and spent most the day on the strip. I got myself a navy blue flowing dress and a set of gold sandals that went well together. Then spent the rest of my time people watching in a coffee shop.

By the time I returned home, the house was in darkness. Closing the front door I almost screamed to see Zak right behind me.

"Jesus Christ! Are you crazy?!" I snapped hitting him with my bags.

"Hey babe."

"Don't you hey babe me! I almost peed my pants!"

But his stupid grin had me smiling and I tiptoed up to steal a kiss.

"Bath is ran, get in it. Dinner is in an hour." He mumbled against my lips.

"Is it my birthday?" I asked.

"No I have something extra special for that. Go." He whispered letting me go for my bath.

I blessed his soul to the Gods above as I walked into a candle lit bathroom. Peeling off my clothes I slipped into the hot tub and sighed with relief as my muscles relaxed. I closed my eyes briefly enjoying the moment when the sound of my cell phone made my eyes snap open.

Huffing, I leant over the bath and pulled it out. So annoyed at the intrusion, I answered the call without even checking who it was.

"What?" I asked.

"Haven?" The voice asked. I slowly lifted my head from being hung over he bath. I knew the voice. "Please don't hang up."

"How did you get this number?" I asked.

"Don't ask questions, I won't tell you no lies." Michael answered.

"What do you want?" I asked instead.

"To see you."


He sighed "That isn't the answer I want."

"No I can't. I'm not enrolled in the course anymore. I flunked. Because my case study didn't work with me.."

"You quit?"

"I did." I answered.

"Because of me?"

"Partly. But also because I was neglecting other responsibilities." Like my partner who was up to something..

"Zak. You mean."

I inhaled deeply before answering with a yes.

"He's a lucky man.."

"It's a little late for social calls. I thought you were locked in your cell?" I asked sitting back.

"I am.. I won't tell you how though." He must have contraband in form of a cellphone.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I stopped my hand immediately realising my splashing was noticeable to him.


"Water, that was water.. Are you bathing?"

"Why else did you ring me?" I asked feeling uncomfortable.

"I haven't had a bath in years. Miss them I guess. Showers are so much quicker. The last time-- It doesn't matter. I rang to apologise, truthfully I wanted to do it to your face. But if that's not possible then a phone one will have to suffice."

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