Commitment check 1

861 44 6

Dreaming of lazing by a beach, sipping a cocktail whilst an Adonis build man fanned me. I was dreaming of a gentle breeze, warm sun and a dog earred paperback awaiting my attention as I basked in the ray.

I was dreaming of luscious waves and a-

What the hell is that? Is that a phone? No I don't want my phone. No. Phone disappear! Stop ringing! Stop!

My eyes opened and the dream faded fast leaving me with the shrilling ringtone deafening me.

Slamming my hand around, I grabbed hold of it and answered groggily.


"I- I need your help! Come quick!" Zak spoke.

"Zak?" I questioned wondering if I was dreaming this.

"NOW! Hurry up!"

The phone went dead leaving me to pull it away and blink. Without a seconds thought, I was thrashing the duvet off me and scrabbling for my shoes and an armful of clothes. Deciding clothes would take too long, I left my room in my sleep shorts and sports bra. I pushed my feet into my shoes trying to see around the dark apartment when my eyes landed on a New York Giants football jersey.

God bless you Joe.

I snatched it up and pulled it on letting it fall over my body before grabbing my keys and purse.

I snatched it up and pulled it on letting it fall over my body before grabbing my keys and purse

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Pulling up to Zak's house, my mind had already concocted several scenarios.

1- He had done something stupid.
2- He had hurt himself.
3- Gracie was bad.
4- He had been taken ill.
5- He had killed someone at home..

That last scenario made me question my action.

Letting myself into his house, I found Gracie chewing her bone happily in her bed. Not Gracie..

"Hello?!" I called out before making my way into the kitchen. As I walked in Zak appeared from the pantry.

"Oh good you're here. I- what are you wearing?" He asked taking on my choice of outfit.

"It's 1am. I'm in PJs. What's happened?" I asked.

"That's yours?" He asked staring at the football jersey which swamped my body.

"It's Joe's shirt. What's going on?" I pushed, grabbing my hair up into a messy bun and placing my hands on my hips waiting.

"Right. Whatever. I need to get some things. I forgot some groceries, I need you to drive me."

"Right now?" I breathed in disbelief.  I was woke for groceries?!

"Yes I need it."

I rubbed my eyes free from sleep "But it's 1am?"

"Are you refusing to do it?" He asked.

"N-no. But you're dressed and still up. I just.. I was asleep."

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