Dirty liar

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My eyes feasted upon the small hips, tight butt and broad shoulders of the man stood with his back to me. How when he lifted his arms, I could imagine a set of wings expanding, showing their dominance. The feathers? They would be a black, the same colour as his hair which was hidden under his backwards cap.

The surge that circulated my heart caused my hand to push over my chest lightly. It was overwhelming sometimes and it was in fact scaring me.

Wetting my lips, I turned around to take a breath, noting that these overwhelming surges only happened at the museum. Should I mention that to Zak? Maybe I'm being stupid? But what if I'm not? What if he makes me stay at home?

That idea caused me to snap out of it and pull myself together. I enjoyed spending time with him, and time apart was the last thing I needed. I was no longer self reliant, I needed his soft touch and warm arms.

Pushing on with work, I forced myself to concentrate on the tasks at hand. Them being that the orders had to go out on time and that the storage room was ready for the arrival of new clothing stock.

Warmness enveloped one side of my face and soon I realised Zak's eyes were in front of me, his hand was placed against my cheek.

"Hey. Are you okay?" He asked softly with a concerned look on his face.

I swallowed down the urge to tell him about the surge and nodded slowly. "Yes."

"Haven." He pushed.

That's when I blurted out a wandering thought. "I've forgot my pill."

He blinked "I- The pill? Your pill?"

I nodded and left him in the hallway, wandering into the office, I pulled the packet from my bag and shoved a pill down my throat before sitting back.

It was then he came in, his eyes landing on the contraceptive. "Took it?"

"Yeah. I- sorry."

"What are you sorry for? For not taking it on time?" He asked sitting on the corner of his desk.

I shrugged "I guess, you're suppose to take it daily and on time..."

"Is this the first one you missed?" He asked sensing trouble.

"Yeah. I normally take it when you do your vitamins, it always reminds me. But this morning.. I don't know what happened." I frowned.

"Haven are you sure you're feeling okay?"

How easy it would be to nod and say yes, to continue on with the day, but seeing the worry on his face had me cave in..

"I keep getting chest pains."

He paled. Exactly what I didn't want to happen...

"What? What kind of pains? Since when? How long for?" He asked pulling his phone out.

Before he could ring an ambulance or a doctor I took his phone from his hands making Zak's face shoot up to mine. "It's only here.. It's happened a few times. When I look at you."

He cocked his head "At me? Describe it?"

So I did..

Sometimes it felt like the sun had shot into my body, not burningly but enough to make my heart, well glow. It sometimes felt like my heart was swelling up in my ribcage too.

"Have you got any protection?" He questioned.

"Now isn't the time for sex Zak, I told y-"

"Rosary beads." He laughed stroking my hair.

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