Lost in thought

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Zak pushed his phone deep into his cargo pants pocket after the lengthy phone call with his researcher and creator Gary. Their upcoming investigation had caused a stir amongst the production team of just what they are walking into. Especially when Zak informed them that he will be inviting a guest along, in the form of a priest.

Stepping into his kitchen, his eyes snapped to the figure stood to the sink.

"Haven?" He questioned "When did you get back? I didn't hear you come in." He explained walking over to her when she failed to reply.

Zak looked at her in concern as her eyes were fixated on the garden, her body not registering he was then at all. He could tell she deep in thought.

"Hey." He whispered placing a hand on her forearm. The gesture caused a small gasp to leave Haven's lips. Blinking she realised Zak was stood beside her, before he could ask any questions she turned and gave him a tight hug. "Hey? Sweetie what's wrong?" He whispered wrapping his arms around her body as she buried her face into his neck.

Zak could feel the mixed emotions rolling off her and into his own. Frowning, he pressed a kiss onto the top of her head. "You were scared today, weren't you?" He guessed.

Her body shuffled against his until she supported herself up properly and pulled away. Her dark chocolate eyes looked up at Zak showing the vulnerability. She took a small breath before closing her mouth again trying to decide how to answer his question.

Patiently, Zak watched her lips open again "I don't know what I felt today." She answered quietly, her eyes drifting off away from his face.

"Prisons are a daunting place, they have to be otherwise people would see it as a holiday camp." Zak replied picking up her hand to play with her fingers. Something he did whilst she slept, only Haven had no idea.

"I know that, I just.. " She trailed off before shaking her head "I don't know what I thought."

"Well you're home now. I didn't hear you come in either. Stealth mode."

She smiled softly "Sorry if I startled you."

"No, no you didn't. I was just talking to Gary, if I knew you were back I would have got off the phone sooner. You know how we get when we start talking Mel metres and devices." He laughed slightly.

"Yeah. But I don't mind, I never will. You shouldn't either, especially when he named the Mel metre after his daughter.. Every time he speaks of the device, he keeps her memory alive. It's a beautiful way to remember someone."

Zak's brows pulled gently "I don't mind.. Haven. Are you sure you're okay?"

She nodded gently "Yeah, just been a strange day already."

"Well how did it go? At the penitentiary. Did you meet the warden and your study?"

Zak didn't miss the look that flashed across her face. "No to the Warden, he was out for the day. I got a tour and met my study.."

"And?" Zak pushed curiously excited himself.

"Babe can we just... I don't know make dinner and crash? I didn't really speak to him."

Zak instantly took hold of the pet name she had called him. One she hadn't used before. This morning she was buzzing with excitement at the idea of getting to finally put her studying to good use. Zak was fond of the way her pony tail swished side to side as she bounced around excitedly before she had to leave.

Now the pony tail was loose and small tendrils of hair fell on the nape of her neck.

Dipping his head down, he placed a gentle kiss on her lips, distracting her mind long enough to make her look up at him.

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