Together *M*

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"I don't think this is a good idea." I murmured to Billy as he drove towards Zak's house.

"It is. Just trust me."

"He is going to flip out.." I warned.

"Maybe. But it won't be at you." Billy replied turning down the radio.

I chewed my lip looking at the familiar houses as we approached, each house different from the next, but as equally as beautiful. Last night after a phone call from Bacon, Billy came to the diner in order to convince me to come with him to Zak's home.

Initially it was a big fat humungous no. I didn't want to see him, fearing that he would still believe the lies he had saw and rang the police thinking I was stealing a watch which I later learned was worth a few thousand dollars.

But Billy promised that Zak ringing the police wouldn't happen and that Zak was suffering with a lockdown hang over which wasn't shifting. My first response was bitter as I laughed and said good. But I couldn't deny that I felt sympathy for him and then went on to write down Billy the smoothie ingredients I made which seemed to relieve him of his symptoms.

It was then he reminded me that I needed to pick up my pay check. So here I was, not to pick up the pay check, but to tear it up and throw his money back into Zak's face. Just as a last screw you too kinda deal.

Only now I wasn't so confident as we pulled up to Zak's home.

"Let's go." Billy encouraged opening his door.

I placed my hand on Billy's forearm "What if he gets angry?"

"He won't.. Have a little faith." He replied patting my hand.

"It's hard too." I mumbled removing my hand and sitting back in my seat. I only moved when my tummy rumbled at the lack of food.

When I say rumbled, it was more of a desperate cry for some crumb. Last night I never got my toasted sandwich...

Stepping into the house cautiously, I looked at Billy who smiled. He walked on leaving me to close the door quietly. My heart leapt into my throat as the faint clicking of a collar and tag filled my ears. Spinning, I found Gracie situated at the end of the hall, beaming I crouched down and opened my arms causing her to break into a run and ball me off my feet.

I quietly made a fuss, careful to keep my noise to a minimum. "Hi baby girl. I've missed you so much." I whispered kissing her forehead as she whined. "Where's the pig? Go get Mr Pig for me."

Her body retreated to go and find her much beloved you, the same one I used as a paperweight one day sending my college work into the pool for a spontaneous swimming lessons.

The pool won.

"Haven.." Billy whispered causing me to look up at him. "Come on."

Picking myself off the floor, I hurried to his side and continued around the house slowly. Commotion from the kitchen made us change our course and head to there instead of the office.

Bill entered first receiving Zak's foul mouth rant as he threw something across the kitchen.


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