Work ethics

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I chewed my bottom lip in stress as I looked up at the house from inside my car. My eyes moving from the intimidating structure to the small piece of paper in my hand before me, containing the address details of the potential new employment.
Placing my car in park, I removed the keys and tossed them into my handbag on the passenger seat.

"Let's do this." I pep-talked myself until I was out the car, my bag over my arm and I was walking to the large house.

Stepping onto the porch I stopped to admire the ham-stone waterfall which cascaded beautifully over the wall greeting visitors. I wet my lips before ringing the doorbell and stepping back.
Movement from behind the large black door began happening, whilst the echoes of a dog bark rebounded off the walls. I fixed a relaxed smile ready to introduce myself for when the door opened.
I didn't have to wait long as a woman opened the door holding onto the collar of an excitable dog which wagged its tail furiously. Friendly dog, check.

"May I help?" The blonde haired lady spoke. Her blue eyes taking in my outfit before she looked at my hair, I tucked the stray strands of brunette behind my ears and smiled.

"Yeah ma'am. I'm here from bluebir-"

"You're the replacement?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"But you're a woman." She pointed out almost making me frown. Well that's rude.

"I am. There was no specific-"

"No! Oh goodness, I see how that has just been portrayed, no what I meant was I was sure that the agency would have sent a another male. The last 5 have been female.."

I remained quiet whilst she took another evaluation of my body and clothing. I had chosen a black pants, and a white blouse, over dressed for a cleaner, under dressed for an assistant. I can't win.

"Come in." The woman spoke stepping back and moving the energetic dog along with her. "Okay with dogs?"

"Absolutely! My parents always had dogs." I replied holding my hand out patiently whilst the collie sniffed at my open palm. Once some trust was established, I petted her.

"My name is Nancy." She spoke holding out her hand. I smiled shaking it.


"Pretty name."

Yeah, not sure why it was given to me. "Thank you." I replied.

As Nancy walked through the house, I followed behind keeping myself in check and trying not to look at anything in too much detail incase it began to look rude. We entered a large kitchen area where Nancy gestured to a bar stool as she sat down.

I carefully climbed upon it and sat with a cool smile. It was my turn to observe Nancy, the faint lines beside her eyes gave her age away, but the carefully painted make up only shed years off her true age.

"I'm 70 this year." She spoke making me blink. Please don't tell me I said that out loud! "I need to slow down and whilst I love my son dearly, he needs help."

Her son?

"Which is why it's important to find the right person for the job. You see my son, Zak. He's... He's a difficult person to work for to begin with and whilst I appreciate the agency sending someone over so quick.. I just don't know if you're the person for the job."

I simply blinked at her but also admired her honesty in this situation. The mothering instinct was strong towards her son but she was also worried about any help that he had.

With my hands already folded on my lap to stop my nervous fiddle I nodded "I appreciate your honesty in this situation ma'am-"

"Nancy. Please."

"Nancy.. But you haven't seen my work ethic. I have strong references that prove I can work under pressure. I'm organised, time efficient, professional.."

"I have read them, both are gleaming, but my son doesn't live alone." She answered.

"Children and pets are no problem. I grew up in a full house and understand the daily struggle with cleaning and a weekly trip to the grocery store." I replied almost smiling at the memory of my mum doing a riot call for us to get into the car.

"Haven. Do you know who Zak Bagans is?" She asked me with a curious look.

I rattled my mind before answered "No.  The name doesn't ring a bell, but I am a fast learner."

"Have you ever seen a show called Ghost Adventures?"

"No, I'm real sorry. I tend to read a lot of books if I'm honest. Does this affect my application?"

She shook her head "Absolutely not, you see confidentially is the upmost priority with Zak."


"So a waiver would need to be signed on behalf of that."

I nodded "That's no problem."

Nancy sat back with her head tilted watching me, her eyes scrutinising my looks again causing me to look away briefly.
        I had chosen to wear my glasses today, in order to look a little more professional, but now I was worrying that maybe I looked a little geeky in my black frames.
        "I want to give you a trial period." Nancy spoke finally causing my eyes to shoot back to her. "The reason my son has gone through so many assistants is because he's very particular and stubborn. If you can penetrate those steel walls he's built up around himself, then the job is yours."

A smile broke out across my face instantly, mainly at the idea of having work and being able to get outside an apartment for the majority of the time. "Brilliant. Thank you very much. You won't regret it."

Nancy nodded her blonde head, "Each day there will be a list of what needs to be done, it's normally placed on the fridge. My son Zak is going through a difficult time at the moment so he may not show his face at all."

"Okay. When would you like me to start?" I asked ready to get going.

"There is one other thing.." Nancy mentioned as we rose from the bar stools. "How do you feel about ghosts?"

 "How do you feel about ghosts?"

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