Crocodile tears for One

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It had been a week since the fast car incident and I'm not talking about Tracy Chapman's song either.

Things between myself and Zak had been strained, we had creative differences at the museum, planning differences when it came to attending events. Differences on emails, food shopping, packing and even Gracie.

Yes we had pretty much argued about anything and everything. I would say 90% of the time I had been correct, but Zak was riding that 10% and the boss card hard. So hard I wanted to beat him over the head with it..

Being his assistant meant I organised him, so when he tries so disappear for a day and doesn't give an explanation, it throws some arguments as to why he hasn't spoken to Jeff regarding his lockdowns, why he hasn't attended his Asthma appointment, why his mom rang asking if he was okay because she hasn't heard from him in 4 days, why he can't confirm his attendance at a convention, and why he wasn't helping  Billy with reviewing. No that was down to me.
    And quiet frankly being his verbal punch bag and the channels middle woman left me drained!

So when Tina started the sly comments, I wasted no time in biting back with force. But of course Mr I can do what I want, walked in at that exact moment and she got a case of serious crocodile tears.

"My office. Now!" He ordered as she sobbed over his shoulder.

"What?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Now Haven!" He ordered again hugging her back causing the ugly snake called Jealousy to twist in me.

Stomping through the house, I walked into his office and slammed the door causing poor Billy to jump a mile.

"I wasn't sleeping!" He announced looking guilt as sin.

"Huh? Oh chill, you're safe."

He nodded shaking himself awake and pushing on with EVP analysis.

"That scheming bitch!" I hissed taking my seat beside Billy who was looking exhausted.

"What's happened?" He asked pausing the recorder.

Before I could give my version, the door opened to a thunderous looking Zak.

"What the hell is your problem?!" He shouted causing me to fly off my chair.

If he was going to yell at me, then we are going to do it face to face... kinda. Shortness is a problem for me.

"You didn't hear what she was saying!"

"No because all I heard was you calling her a scheming two faced bitch!" He fired back.

"That's because she is! Can't you se-"

"I don't care what you have to say! I'm going to tell you this once Haven and once only! I will not have bullying in my house!" He shouted causing his face to redden and the storm in his eyes to flash with lightning.


"Don't speak! I'm talking! You've been in a foul mood ever since you fell out with Joe and clearly it's effecting your work! Now I don't care if you go and see him or not but when you work here, you leave all your shit in your bedroom and you do not take it out on poor Tina!"

I scoffed "Poor Tina?! Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Do I make myself clear?!" He yelled.

My lip quivered back the sarcastic comment, it quivered back the nasty remark I had in the tip of my tongue and the brutal honesty that threatened to spill out.

"Well?!" He asked with his hands on his hips.

Any other time, I would have taken appreciation to his stance and the dominance. Now I wanted to shove the Mel meter so far up his ass that his head became its antenna.

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