The ocean and a storm

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"On the road again.. I can't wait to get on the road again.."

I looked over at Zak as he pushed his bag onto the bottom of the RV bed where I was lead on my front. His upbeat mood and singing had me smiling.

"You're in a good mood considering you were out over night." I spoke sitting up to look at him.

"I am, can't say it wasn't a little scary but I'm looking forward to getting home."

"Hmm." I replied looking back down at my mock exam papers. But before I could think of an answer or even re-read the question, the sheets were taken off me. "Hey?!"

"Oh you work too much. I actually feel bad for employing you when you're so into this." He answered waving the papers.

"I hate not learning, my brain actually feels like it's dying in my head. I need to be doing something worth while when I'm not working." I responded.

"Well take a break." He replied tossing them down onto the side away from me. "It's healthy for the brain."

I blew a raspberry in response and face planted the bed.

"You thought anymore about my offer?" He asked. The dipping of the bed letting me know that he had sat down.

"Uh huh." I nodded pulling my head up.


"And I don't think I can.." I sighed.

"Oh. Well why not?"

"Because... Because I wouldn't be a good housemate, I like things done my way and there's no point in you saying I can do what I want because that's the problem. I would be intruding before we both knew it. Not only that... But what will people say?"

"Who cares what they think? I don't and you shouldn't either."

"I know." I muttered rolling onto my back.

He led down beside me "Think about it... Don't be so quick to say no. You don't know what you're going home too yet."

I smiled slightly before nodding in agreement.


We seemed to be back in Vegas in no time at all, after I slept the majority of the journey beside Zak who had also passed out, I found myself reluctant to leave.

"Ring Joe and say we ain't back yet, you can crash here." He yawned rubbing the side of his head as we sat in his garden.

"He'll be expecting me though." I mumbled picking at the fabric strands of my ripped jeans.

"Haven what are you and Joe? For friends you seem to bend to his will a lot."

I frowned at that statement. "I don't."

Do I?

"He was there for me at a part in my life where I was low. I owe him a lot..."

Zak's eyes focused on the side of my face making me squirm. "No I don't want to talk about it yet."

"I have a lot of time for you Haven. Remember that."

"Oh bro, I needed that!" Bacon sighed crashing down between us on the garden furniture causing us both to move away slightly. It felt a little awkward. But Bacon had an easy going personality, so it wasn't long before he began rambling about something else. "Beer?" He offered making me shake my head.

"No, I better be heading home." I sighed looking across at the tiny lights which I knew were the strip.

"You ordered Uber?" Zak asked sitting forward.

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