Poison in the ear

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"Nah, nah, just be careful, nah, nah, love ain't simple, promise me, no promi-" the music thumped through my earphones as I moved boxes around away from the penetrating eyes of Zak.

For the past few hours he'd been watching me only moving to his computer screen when I returned the stare. I had refused to speak to him since recent events. Tina being one of them. I was mad but most of all I was hurt for how things had turned out. Upon seeing I had his watch in my bag, Zak didn't ask any questions and fired me there and then. On the spot. Rendering me jobless but most of all homeless in one foul blow.

I spent a whole week in a mouldy apartment, working for some weird little man called Ferris and was eventually given a gift from Satan in form of a chest infection.

But Tina? After finding she had planted it was given the 'A-Okay' and was still working!

Pissed was not the word for it!

Throughout my time sulking and skulking around the museum doing my own little things. I had time to think, was Zak playing her game? Or was he simply letting this go after causing me so much upset and ill health that I now sounded like 50 year old chain smoker.

I was curious to know what he was up too, but terrified at the idea of him simply letting it go. So until he took this seriously like he did with me I was on a sponsored silence..

- sponsored by yours truly in the fight for justice.

I kept my coughing down into a strangulated sound, just so Zak couldn't claim that I needed to rest and send me home where I was desperately trying to avoid Tina and her bullshit.

Rest equals boredom.
Boredom equals eating.
Eating leads to a big butt.
- not that having a fabulous ass is a bad thing, I just didn't want one from sitting around.

Swiping up a box, I spun on my heel and went to place it in the correct room when I gasped almost jumping back at the person who was stood in front of me.

Pushing the box onto my hip I tugged out my earphones.

"Why the hell are you here?"

"How charming.. Zak asked me to swing by. I guess this place isn't up to scratch and somethings have dirt on them." Tina replied looking at me up and down.

I scoffed "Whatever."

"I also brought along a stray. Must be one of yours." She replied wafting her hand casually at the door.

The ocean blue eyes came around the door looking as guilty as sin. The expression on his face was as if someone had just kicked his puppy. I instantly took a deep breath, ready for whatever else he was going to scream at me.

"Please.. Hear me out. I brought you these.." Joe spoke pushing out a large bouquet of flowers. My eyes wandered from his face to the floral bunch of pastel colours. The sight alone melted my heart but I wasn't about to drop my guard.

We have a lot to talk about..

"I asked the florist for a bunch that would show what an asshole I was.." he continued.

"They hit it on the head. You've got 5 minutes." I replied taking the bunch slowly with both hands and lifting them up under my nose to smell them.

"Fabulous. I'll keep Zak entertained." Tina giggled leaving the room. Joe's eyes followed her until she disappeared out of sight.

"She's a bit of a weirdo... I went to Zak's house and she was there. Insisted that I followed her over here. This his museum?" He asked looking around us.

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