Gentle tones

943 42 4

Joe never answered.

A part of me worried that he was still a little angry at me leaving Vegas, after being somewhat attacked in Zak's museum. And another part of me was glad he didn't answer as when I calmed down and really evaluated my situation. I decided that I didn't want to go home at all. I was here to work and that's exactly what I was going to do.

I stepped out the following morning in black attire knowing that the crew were due to film today, keeping my head low and profile quiet I slid into the kitchen and prepared myself a drink whilst the others woke up and showered.

Taking my drink with me, I entered into the garden and sat on the furniture watching the sun rise higher in the sky and across the horizon.

The sound of a footstep hitting the concrete made my head turn, I found Zak making his way out slowly fiddling with his top to put it on.

"Morning." He nodded.

"Hey." I replied quietly as he sat down beside me, the smell of his cologne filling my senses.

"Listen about yesterday-"

"It's okay Zak. I understand where Bacon is coming from. I'm not his responsibility. I get it, I do..." I trailed off looking down to his arm "But I can't have myself hurting people without knowing, or even with knowing, you should have told me that. Before he announced it across the dinner table." I frowned.

"I know. That was my fault. But you didn't need that on top of everything else."

I shrugged "Maybe not. But it still hurt to know I had done it. Are you okay?"

He scoffed "I've had a lot worse. That's nothing."

"It shouldn't have happened at all... I should have just stayed back in Vegas. Maybe had Tina come with you.."

"Oh she wanted to, believe me. Seemed quiet happy that you weren't there that morning.. What is it between you two? Had a run in already?"

I shook my head "Alpha bitch in her. Well I'm definitely not up for fighting so whatever she has planned, she can carry on."

"You'll tell me though.. If whatever she is doing effects you and your job right?"

I nodded "Sure. But just to put it out there. I'm no tattle tale."

We fell into a silence looking at the cows in the distance move across the field towards a vehicle, my presumption was that it was the farmer moving them or feeding them.

"How is your head today?" Zak asked.

"Okay. I'm not turning it 360 degrees so I guess it's all okay."

"Haven." He frowned.

"Sorry. I'm fine."

"You didn't sleep much last night." He notified me making me look over at him.

"I heard you moving about in the night.... I also heard you crying."

My heart missed a beat in my chest as he revealed that small bit of information.

"I wasn't.. It's not- I just-"

"You were tired." He confirmed making me pause and eventually nod. Tiredness seems plausible.

"Yeah. Tired." I repeated.


I shrugged. "Not re-"

"Good, you can make us breakfast then." He interrupted.

"Shouldn't I wait for Bacon and Aaron?"

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