Testing times

931 45 13

When I say it's been a funny old week, I really meant it had been a funny old week. To be a personal assistant, I am suppose to assist the person in the everyday life, or the days I work...

But for the past few days Zak had left me a list and never seemed to be home. It was only by chance today that I had collared him by arrive two hours early.

Standing in his lounge, I waited patiently and almost scared him half to death when he walked through his house. In fact, he almost scared me half to death when he appeared in only a pair of boxers.


"Woah! I'm sorry!" I shouted turning around instantly.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He snapped in anger.

"Thought I would swing by..." I lied.

"What?!" He asked just as confused as I was.

I took a risky look over my shoulder and still found him in his boxers. "Haven't you got pjs?"

"You're lucky I'm wearing this! I normally sleep naked, what the fuck are you doing here anyway?" His face furrowed together in a frown.

Think.. Why are you here? Apart from to see him. Cause the past few days have been oddly quiet.

"I thought I could make you breakfast? We could ha- can you put some shorts or pants on?" I asked feeling really awkward.

"No, you walked in here. This is my house."

I sighed hard turning properly, trying to be grown up about this semi nakedness.

"Okay fine. But I have a tendency to stare at tattoos." I replied. Zak smirked closing the gap between us which resulted in my throat going dry and cutting off air.

"Well lucky for you. None of them are below my waistline." His eyes moved down over my face before flicking down.

At his face. Look at his face! The face! Why is he so hands- WHAT?

I stepped back putting some distance between us before straightening myself up to appear more confident. "Are you too busy to have breakfast?"

His eyes narrowed mine suspiciously before he shook his head "Lead the way."

I took a step before pausing "You're gonna need pants.."

He let out a sigh before turning back towards the bedroom, leaving me to have a quick look at his behind.

And the back tattoo of course..

And the back tattoo of course

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